Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/314

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298 Poets of the Civil War II Morgan crossed the river, And I went across with him; 1 was captured in Ohio Because I could not swim. No matter where this song was sung, or by whom, or which of its multitude of stanzas happened to be selected by the minstrel, the following verse always closed it : But now my song is ended, And I haven't got much time, I'm going to run the blockade To see that girl of mine. Some of these poems are found in Rebel Rhymes and Rhap- sodies (1864) edited by Frank Moore as a companion volume to two other volumes of war poetry of the North. In his preface to this first anthology of Southern war poetry Moore says: It has been the purpose of the editor to present as full a selec- tion of the songs and ballads of the Southern people as will illus- trate the spirit which actuates them in their rebellion against the government and laws of the United States. Most of these pieces have been published in the magazines and periodicals of the South, while many are copies of ballad-sheets and songs circulated in the Rebel armies, and which have come into the possession of the forces of the Union in their various moves and advances during the present conflict. We find in the volume many humorous poems of the kind just described. The more serious include two poems each by Randall and Ticknor, one each by Hayne, Hope, Flash, Meek, Pike, Simms, and J. R. Thompson, Timrod's A Cry to Arms and Palmer's Stonewall Jackson's Way, the last two published, however, anonymously. There are also many parodies of famous songs such as Annie Laurie, Gideon's Band, Bannock- burn, Columbia, Wait for the Wagon, The Star Spangled Banner, etc. It was probably this collection that formed the basis of the selections from Southern poetry published as an appendix to