Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/408

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392 The Short Story a collection as At Close Range are the work of one who would have made a most efficient special reporter for a city daily. Here are modem instances in aU parts of the world, engagingly told. He has been everywhere, he has seen everything, he has learned aU the world's rituals and aU its secrets. There is no leisurely approach, no sentimental colourings, no literary effects ; they are life seen in flashes, a vivid fragment snipped from the moving film of human life. It may be illustrated also by Jack London's (1876-1916)' headlong art: strangeness always, — ^Alaska of the gold rush, the ultimate South Seas, the unknown recesses of the prize ring, the no-man's land of the hobo, — ^impressionistic studies in sensation. He was writing for money and for little else, and he studied his market like a broker. EarUer Hter- ature was aristocratic, — it was written for the refined few; the latest literature is democratic, — ^it is written for the mass, and the mass is uncritical and unrefined. Its demands are gross: sensation, movement, physical thrill, London gave the mass what it demanded, every sensation which the brutal un- derworld he knew had afforded him, and he sold his work well. Of the graces demanded in the earlier periods, finish, elegance of style, melody, elevation in tone, he knew nothing. He had immediacy — he told vivid stories of physical prowess in the world of the present moment; he had the note of author- ity — ^he wrote only of wild epic things of which he had himself been a large part ; he had sensation — the appeal of crude physi- cal horror, the strange and the unheard-of in hitherto unknown regions; and he had a barbaric style — a lurid wealth of adjec- tives, a melodramatic intensity, and a headlong rush of incident that sweeps the reader along as in a stampede. Force un- doubtedly he had and freshness of material, but, lacking poise and moral background and beauty of style, he must be passed as an ephemeral sensation. From the multitude of the later short story writers Richard Harding Davis' ( 1864-19 16), whose literary life, from the ap- pearance of Gallegher in 1891 to his death, coincided almost exactly with the modern period in American literature, may be chosen as the typical figure. Reared in a literary home, —

his mother was the author of Life in the Iron Mills, — educated

' See also Book III, Chap. xi. ' Ibid,