Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/428

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412 Bibliographies Early Spring in Massachusetts. [Ed. from the Journal by Blake, H. G. 0.] Boston, 1 88 1. Summer. [Ed. from the Journal by Blake, H. G. O.] Boston and New York, 1884. London, 1884. Winter. [Ed. from the Journal by Blake, H. G. O.] Boston and New York, 1888 [1887]. Translated into German by Emmerich, Emma, Munich, 1900. Autumn. [Ed. from the Journal by Blake, H. G. O.] Boston and New York, 1892. Miscellanies. Boston and New York, 1894 [i893]- Vol. x of the Riverside Edition. Familiar Letters of Henry David Thoreau. [Ed. Sanborn, F. B.] Boston and New York, 1894. With new letters. Vol. xi of the Riverside Edition. Poems of Nature. [Collected from Thoreau's published prose and from his literary remains by Salt, H. S., and Sanborn, F. B.] Boston and New York, 1895. London, 1895. Some Unpublished Letters of Henry D. and Sophia E. Thoreau. [Ed. Jones, S. A.] Jamaica [New York], 1899 [1898]. [Reprinted in the Manuscript and Walden editions of the Familiar Letters.] The Service. [Ed. Sanborn, F. B.] Boston, 1902. [An early essay, only 'partly included in the Manuscript and Walden editions.] The First and Last Journeys of Thoreau. [Ed. Sanborn, F. B.] Boston, 1905. 2 vols. Bibliophile Society. [Fragments, some of them still unpublished, from the Journal and elsewhere.] Sir Walter Raleigh. [Ed. Metcalf, H. A.] Boston, 1905. Bibliophile Society. [The essay appears in part in the Week and in the Journal, Vol. I.] III. Volumes of Selections Thoreau's Thoughts. [Ed. Blake, H. G. O.] Boston and New York, 1890. Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers. [Ed. Salt, H. S.] London, 1890. Essays, and Other Writings. [Ed. Dircks, Will H.] London [1891]. Camelot Classics. Selections from Thoreau. [Ed. Salt, H. S.] London, 1895. Eversley Series. There are nvimerous vols, containing separate essays and parts of longer works. IV. Separate Pieces (i) Resistance to Civil Government. Esthetic Papers. Boston, 1849. (2) A Plea for Captain John Brown. Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Boston, i860. (3) Remarks at Concord on the Day of the Execution of John Brown. Ibid. (4) Pil- grims [poem]. A Masque of Poets. Boston, 1878. (5) To My Brother [poem], Sanborn's Life of Thoreau. Boston, 1882. (6) The Service: Qualities of the Recruit. Concord Lectures on Philosophy. Cambridge, 1883. [Extracts read by Sanborn, F. B., from his manuscript of the essay. Only these extracts are printed in the collected editions of Thoreau.] (7) [Poem, Pray, to what earth, with a paragraph of prose.] The Personality of Thoreau. Sanborn, F. B. Boston, 1901. (8) Our Country [poem written about 1841]. Ibid. (9) [Letters from Thoreau.] Daniel Ricketson and His Friends. Boston, 1902. (10) Early Letter of Thoreau, during an Absence from College. Fifth Year Book • of the Bibliophile Society. Boston, 1906. (11) Aphorisms by Henry D. Thor- eau. Fragments of Old Unpublished Journals recently discovered among Thoreau's Papers. Ibid. (12) Godfrey of Boulogne [poem, not to be found