Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/445

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Longfellow 429 Tales of a Wayside Inn. . . . Boston, 1863; London, 1864; Leipzig, 1888.— German by Schuchardt, L, Hamburg, 1879; in part, by Bindel, K., Hamm, 1872.— Italian by Trovanelli, N., Cesena, 1895; in part, by Facdoli, C, Firenze, 1890, 1892, 1896. N06I ... [in French]. Cambridge, 1864; English by Norcross, J. E., Philadel- phia, 1867. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Vol. i, Boston, 1865; Vol. 11, 1866; Vol. iii, 1867. 3 vols. Boston, 1867; London, 1867; Leipzig, 1867. Flower-de-Luce. . . . Boston, 1867. The New England Tragedies. I. Wenlock Christison. II. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. Privasely Printed. 1868. The New England Tragedies. ... I. John Endicott. II. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. Boston, 1868; London, 1868; Leipzig, n. d. [1868]. — French by Marmier, X., Paris, 1872. — German by Keck, K., MS., 1875. — Italian by Sofio, M., Cosenza, 1877. The Divine Tragedy. . . . Boston, 1871; London, 1872; Leipzig, 1872. — Italian by Cardamone, R., Rocca San Casciano, 1902. — German by Keck, K., MS.; by Simon, H., MS. Christus: A Mystery. . . . Parti.— The Divine Tragedy; Part II.— The Golden Legend; Part III. — ^The New England Tragedies. 3 vols., Boston, 1872. Three Books of Song. . . . Boston, 1872; London, 1872. Judas Maccabasus translated into Yiddish, Odessa, 1882. — German by Bindel, K., Schalke, 1892. — Hebrew by Massel, J., Manchester, 1900. Aftermath. . . . Boston, 1873; London, 1875. The Hanging of the Crane. . . . Boston, 1874; London, 1874. — Italian by Levi, P., Modena, 1877. — German by Zundt, G. A., n. d.; by Becker, J. H., n. d. The Masque of Pandora and other Poems. . . . Boston, 1875; London, 1875; Leipzig, 1876. — German by Schuchardt, I., Hamburg, 1878. Poems of Places: Edited by Henry W. Longfellow. ... 31 vols., Boston, London, 1 876-1 879. K&amos. [Private issue. Cambridge, 1877]. K^ramos and other Poems. . .. Boston, 1878. — Japanese by ImanoKosiro, 1877. The White Czar; and Other Poems. London, 1878. The Early Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Now first Collected, Edited, and Prefaced by Richard Heme Shepherd. London, 1878. Bayard Taylor. [Cambridge, 1879]. From My Arm-Chair. [Cambridge, 1879]. Ultima Thule. . . . Boston, 1880; London, 1880. In the Harbour: Ultima Thule— Part II. . . . Boston, 1882; London, 1882. Michael Angelo. . . . London, 1883; Boston, 1884. Boyhood Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow not included in his collected works. Privately printed. Brunswick, Maine, 1906. Origin and Growth of the Languages of Southern Europe and of their Literature: An Inaugural Address. . . . Delivered September 2, 1830. . . . Bruns- wick, Maine, 1907. II. (b) Contributions to Periodicals [Only those that are not included in the Complete Works are mentioned here.] The Poor Student: A Dramatic Sketch in 3 Parts, The American Monthly Magazine, Philadelphia, April, 1824.