Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/458

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442 Bibliographies Letters of Lydia Maria Child, with a Biographical Introduction by John G. Whittier. . . . Boston, 1883. Jack in the Pulpit. Edited by J. G. Whittier. n. d. [1884]. [This poem, first published in Child Life, 1872, was written by Carrie Smith and corrected and emended by Whittier. It is here, in elaborately illustrated form, ac- companied by a facsimile letter from Whittier explaining his connection with the poem. Another issue omits the pictorial boards, introduction, and text.] Whipple, Edwin Percy. American Literature and Other Papers. With Intro- ductory Note by John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston, 1887. IV. Uncollected Poems Whittier's uncollected poems, most of them juvenile, run well into the hund- reds. S. T. Pickard in 1904 claimed to have in his possession more than three hundred such poems, dating from 1826 to 1835, which he had garnered from the files of old newspapers edited or contributed to by Whittier during these years. Manuscript collections in private hands would considerably swell this number. During his lifetime the poet never permitted any of these to be included in his works. In recent years, however, many of these rejected pieces have been made accessible, chiefly by S. T. Pickard in the columns of The Independent (1898-1912) and in his handbook entitled Whittier-Land (1904). The following list includes, in chronological order, all reclaimed poems that have come to notice, all poems dropped from early Whittier editions, and such other uncol- lected verse as may be found in early poetic anthologies, song books, pamphlets, and similar sources. The date and place of first publication are given, when possible, and all later reprints. No attempt is made to enumerate the scores of uncollected poems only accessible in rare newspapers and periodicals. (i) Narratives, Religious, Journals, Lives, etc. [a rimed catalog of books], c. 1823-4. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 35. (2) Lafayette, 1825. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier's Earliest Poems; also, Whittier's Home at Amesbury. (3) Lines on the Death of Alexander ist. Emperor of Russia, Newburyport Free Press, 1826. Rptd. by S. T. P., Whittier's Earliest Poems; also, Whittier's Home at Amesbury; also, Independent, 59, 1309, 7 Dec, 1905. (4) The Emerald Isle, Newburyport Free Press, 3 Aug., 1826. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 55. 2315, I Oct., 1903; also, ibid., 66, 737, 8 Apr., 1909. (5) The Willow, 1826. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 148. (6) Pericles, 1827. [Broadside.] (7) The Song of Peace, 1827. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 70, 757, 13 Apr., 1911. (8) Ode sung at the Dedication of the HaverhiU Academy, April 30, 1827. Ptd. in Bartlett, A. L., and Kelly, C. E., The Haverhill Academy. An Historical Sketch, HaverhiU, 1890; rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 54, 545, 6 Mch., 1902; also, Whittier-Land, 7. (9) I Would Not Lose that Romance Wild, 1827. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 54, 3054, 25 Dec, 1902; also, Whittier-Land, 130. (10) Apostrophe to Milton, Haverhill Gazette, June, 1827. Rptd. by S. T. P.,. Independent, 69, 1357, 22 Dec, 1910. (11) The Sabbath Eve, 1827. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 72, 703, 4 Apr., 1912. (12) The Times, Haverhill Gazette, 4 Oct., 1828. Rptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 152. (13) The Days Gone by, 1828. Ptd. by A. Woods, New England Magazine, 30 (n. s.), 574-6, July, 1904. (14) J. G. Whittier to the 'Rustic Bard.' Incidental Poems. By Robt. Dins- moor, Haverhill, 1828, pp. 248-50. (15) A Fragment [Lady, farewell! I know thy heart], Essex Gazette, 22 Aug., 1829. Rptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land,