Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/460

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444 Bibliographies 252. (5i)ToGov.M'Duffie, New England Magazine, 8, 138, Feb., 1835. Rptd, in Poems, Boston, 1837; Poems, Philadelphia, 1838; Voices of Freedom, Philadelphia, 1846. (52) To the Memory of J. G. C. Brainard, The Laurel. By American Authors, Boston, 1836. Rptd. in The Poems of J. G. C. Brainard, Hartford, 1842. (53) The Northern Lights, Haverhill Gazette, 1837. Rptd. in The Christian Keepsake, Philadelphia, 1840; also, by S. T. P., Independent, 57, 1 1 17, 17 Nov., 1904; and Whittier-Land, 146-7. (54-55) Plead for the Slave! Written in an Album, Apology to the Chivalrous Sons of the South, Poems, Boston, 1837. (56) Lines written on reading "Right and Wrong in Boston," etc., ibid. Rptd. in Poems, Philadelphia, 1838; Voices of Freedom, Philadelphia, 1846. (57) Song of the Free, ibid. Also rptd. in Voices of the True-Hearted, Philadelphia, 1846, p. 274; Poems, Boston, 1849. (58-66) To G. B. Esq. (Geo. Bancroft), etc.; Knowest thou the ordinances of Heaven?; Lines written in the Commonplace Book of a young Lady; The Watcher; The City of Refuge; Lines written on visiting a singular cave, etc. ; Stanzas suggested by the letter of a friend; Lines on a Portrait; To the Memory of J. O. Rockwell; — Poems, Phila- delphia, 1838. (67) Lines from the German of Lamiter, The Liberator, 10 Aug., 1838. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 53, 2079, 5 Sept., 1901. (68) The Uses of Sorrow, 1838. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 149. (69) Alack and alas! that a brother of mine, 1838. Ptd. by S. T. P., ibid., 119-20. (70) Looking Backward, 1840. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 60, 1356-7, 7 June, 1906. (71) A Retrospect, n. d., c. 1840. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 35. (72-73) Seeking Independence for the Captives, What hath God Wrought? Freedom's Lyre (comp. Hatfield, E. F.), 1840. (74) 'Seventy-Five, The Sun- beam, 3 Apr., 1841. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 63, 1490-1, 19 Dec, 1907. (75-76) To James G. Bimey, etc.. Stanzas for the Times [No "countenance "of his, forsooth!]. Voices of Freedom, Philadelphia, 1846. (77) Free Soil Gathering (set to music by G. W. C), The Free Soil Minstrel, 1848, pp. 26-8. (78-79) The Response, The Album, Poems, Boston, 1849. (80) American Liberty, Hymns and Songs for the Anti-Slavery Celebration ... at Abington, July 4, 1851, Boston [1851]. (81) A Farewell Song, Gift of Affection, ed. Gris- wold, R. W., 1852. (82) The Way, Autographs for Freedom, Boston, 1853. (83) The Californian at the Grave of his Wife, The Chapel of the Hermits, Boston, 1853. (84) For an Album [Like a virgin heart, unwrit], 1853. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 68, 1179, 2 June, 1910. (85) We're Free, National Era, 14 Aug., 1856. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 51, 3399-3400, 21 Dec., 1899; also, Whittier-Land, 150-1. (86) What! shall we henceforth humbly ask as favors. Ptd. in The Legion of Liberty and Force of Truth, 1857. (87) Free Discussion, The Republican Campaign Songster for i860 (ed. Burleigh, W. H.), i860. (88) Up for the Conflict, The Bobolink Minstrel ... for i860 (ed. Bungay, G. W.), i860. (89) Patience, Only Once, Original Papers, by Various Contributors [entered 1862]. (90) Another Hand, Order of Ser- vices in the First Church, Boston, 1862. (91) Land of the Forest and the Rock, Poetical Pen-Pictures of the War, by J. H. Hay ward, 1863. (92) Work Out Salvation, Poems of Religious Sorrow, Comfort, Counsel, and Aspiration, 1863. (93) The Plaint of the Merrimac, c. 1864. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier- Land, 59-60. (94) Whittier to Colfax, The Grant and Colfax Republican Song- ster [1868]. (95) Oh! if the spirits of the parted came, Thirty-Sixth and Final Annual Report, Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Soc, April, 1870. Phila- delphia, 1870. (96) With silence only as their benediction, A Memorial of Anson Burlingame. Boston [1870]. (97) To Edward and Elizabeth Gove, on the Fifty-fifth Anniversary of their Marriage, 29th of 8th mo., 1872, Lynn, [Massa-