Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/474

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458 Bibliographies William CuUen Bryant. B. G. M., May, 1840. (82) The Philosophy of Furni- ture. B. G. M., May, 1840. [Rptd. in revised form, as House Furniture, in B. J., 3 May, 1845,] (83) Memoirs and Letters of Madame Malibran (review). B. G. M., May, 1840. (84) Some Account of Stonehenge, The Giant's Dance, A Druidical Ruin in England. B. G. M., June, 1840. (85) Mrs. Norton's The Dream and Other Poems (review). G. M., Feb., 1841. (86) Bulwer's Night and Morning (review). G. M., Apr., 1841. (87) Walsh's Sketches of Conspicuous Living Characters of France (review). G. M., Apr., 1841. (88) Dickens's The Old Curiosity Shop, and Other Tales, and his Master Humphrey's Clock (review). G. M., May, 1841. (89) Writings of Charles Sprague (review). G. M., May, 1 84 1. (90) Dickens's Barnaby Rudge (review). Saturday Evening Post, i May, 1841. [See No. 109]. (91) Macaulay's Critical and Miscellaneous Essays (review). G. M., June, 1841. (92) A Few Words on Secret Writing. G. M., July, 1841. (93) Pue's A Grammar of the English Language (review). G. M., July, 1841. (94) Seba Smith's Powhatan (review). G. M., July, 1841. (95) Wilmer's The Quacks of Helicon (review). G. M., Aug., 1841. (96) Biography and Poetical Remains of the late Margaret Miller Davidson, ed. Irving, W. (re- view). G. M., Aug., 1841. (97) Stephens's Incidents of Travel in Central Amer- ica (review). G. M., Aug., 1841. (98) Secret Writing. G. M., Aug., 1841. [An addendum to 92. Further addenda, under the same title, were published in G. M., Oct. and Dec, 1841.] (99) Manyat's Joseph Rushbrook, or The Poacher (review). G. M., Sept., 1841. (100) Campbell's Life of Petrarch (review). G. M., Sept., 1841. (loi) A Chapter on Autography. G. M., Nov., 1841. [See also Nos. 24, 48, 103, 105.] (102) Ainsworth's Guy Fawkes (review). G. M., Nov., 1841. (103) A Chapter on Autography. G. M., Dec., 1841. [See No. loi.] (104) Lucretia Maria Davidson's Poetical Remains (re- view). G. M., Dec, 1841. (105) An Appendix of Autographs. G. M., Jan., 1842. [See No. loi.] (106) Exordium to Critical Notices in G. M., Jan., 1842. (107) Cockton's Stanley Thorn (review). G. M., Jan., 1842. (108) A Few Words About Brainard. G. M., Feb., 1842. (109) Barnaby Rudge (review). G. M., Feb., 1842. (no) Mathews's Wakondah (review). G. M., Feb., 1842. (in) Lever's Charles O'Malley (review). G. M., Mar., 1842. (112) Longfellow's Ballads and Other Poems (review). G. M., Mar., Apr., 1842. (i 13) The Critical and Miscellaneous Writings of Henry Lord Brougham (review). G. M., Mar., 1842. (114) Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales (review). G. M., Apr., May, 1842. (115) The Poetry of Rufus Dawes. A Retrospective Criticism. G. M., Oct., 1842. (116) Gris wold's American Poetry (review of Rufus W. Griswold's The Poets and Poetry of America). Boston Miscellany, Nov., 1842. (117) Our Amateur Poets. . . . Flaccus. G. M., Mar., 1843. (118) Notes on Eng- lish Verse. The Pioneer, Mar., 1843. [Enlarged and rptd. as The Rationale of Verse in 1849, — see No. 197]. (119) Our Amateur Poets. . . . William Ellery Channing. G. M., Aug., 1843. (120) Fitz-Greene Halleck. G. M., Sept., 1843. (121) A Brief Account of the Discoveries and Results of the United States' Exploring Expedition [under Reynolds, J. N.] (review). G. M., Sept., 1843. (122) Review of Cooper's Wyandotte. G. M., Nov., 1843. (123) Re- view of Home's Orion. G. M., Mar., 1844. [Rptd. in part in E. M., 3 Feb., 1845.] (124) Poems by James Russell Lowell (review). G. M., Max., 1844. (125) News Notes from New York, The Columbia (Pa.) Spy, June, 1844. [See Wood, berry's Life, 11, pp. 81 f., and Philadelphia PubUc Ledger, 14 Jan., 1912.] (126) The Pay for Periodical Writmg. E. M., 12, Oct., 1844. [See also No. 138.] »(i27) MarginaHa. Democratic Review, Nov., Dec, 1844. [See No. 42.] (128) Amelia Welby (review). Democratic Review, Dec, 1844. (129) Byron and Miss