Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/476

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46o Bibliographies larged form in G. L. B., Nov., 1845.] (176) Simms's The Wigwam and the Cabin (review). B. J., 4 Oct., 1845. [Rptd. in revised and enlarged form in G. L. B., Jan., 1846.] (177) Editorial Miscellany [containing an attack on Christo- pher North]. B. J., 1 1 Oct., 1845. (178) Boston and the Bostonians [in Editorial Miscellany]. B. J., i, 22 Nov., 1845. (179) Von Raumer's America and the American People (review). B. J., 29 Nov., 1845. (180) Poems. By Frances S. Osgood (review). B. J., 13 Dec, 1845. (181) Editorial Miscellany. B. J., 13 Dec, 1845. (182) Valedictory [as editor of the Broadway Journal]. B. J., 3 Jan., 1846. (183) Mrs. Hewitt's The Songs of Our Land, and Other Poems (re- view). G. L. B., Feb., 1846. (184) Mrs. Osgood's Wreath of Wild Flowers from New England, and Poems (review). G. L. B., Mar., 1846. (185) Marginalia. ^G. M., Mar., 1846. [See No. 42.] (186) Marginalia. Democratic Review, Apr., 1846. (187) The Philosophy of Composition. G. M., Apr., 1846. (188) ""SSOJliam Cullen Bryant (review). G. L. B., Apr., 1846. (189) The Literati [in six instalments]. G. L. B., May-Oct., 1846. (190) Marginalia. Democratic "^Review, July, 1846. [See No. 42.] (191) Mr. Poe's Reply to Mr. English and Others. [Philadelphia] Spirit of the Times, 10 July, 1846. (192) Marginalia. G. M., Nov. and Dec, 1846. [See No. 42.I (193) Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales, and Mosses from an Old Manse (review). G. L. B., Nov., 1847. (194) Marginalia. G. M., Jan. and Feb., 1848. [See No. 42.] (195) The Literati of New York. S. Anna Lewis. Democratic Review, Aug., 1848. [See No. 189.] (196) Mrs. Lewis's Poems (review). S. L. M., Sept., 1848. (197) The Rationale of Verse. S. L. M., Oct. and Nov., 1848. (198) Griswold's The Female Poets of America (review). S. L. M., Feb., 1849. (199) Lowell's A Fable for Critics (review). S. L. M., Mar., 1849. (200) Mrs. Lewis' Poems (review). Western Quarterly Review, Apr., 1849. (201) Fifty Suggestions. G. M., May, June, 1849. [See No. 42.] (202) Marginalia. S. L. M., Apr.-Sept., 1849. [See No. 42.] (203) Frances Sargent Osgood (review). S. L. M., Aug., 1849. (204) About Critics and Criticism. G. M., Jan., 1850. (205) The Poetic Princi- ple. Home Journal, 31 Aug., 1850. (206) Headley's The Sacred Moun- tains (review). S. L. M., Oct., 1850. (207) Henry B. Hirst (review of his poems). Griswold, vol. iii., 1850. [Rptd. in part from No. 160.] (208) Estelle Anna Lewis. Griswold, vol. m., 1850. [Rptd. in part from No. 198.] (209) Addenda to Eureka. Poe's Works, ed. Stedman and Woodberry, vol. ix., pp. 293 f. (210) Introduction of The Tales of the Folio Club. Poe's Works, ed. Harrison, J. A., vol. 11, pp. xxxvi f. In the foregoing list, only the more important and more representative of Poe's book-reviews are included. A complete list of his reviews and book- notices would embrace several hundred additional items. In each of the fore- going lists an effort has been made to exclude all items of doubtful authenticity. V. Biography and Criticism See also the introductions to the editions of Poe's writings listed in I. Alarc6n, P. A. de. Juicios literarios y artfaticos. Madrid, 1883. Alfriend, E. M. Unpublished Recollections of Edgar Allan Poe. Literary Era, August, 1 90 1. Amould, A. Edgard Poe, L'Homme, I'Artiste et I'CBuvre. Revue Modeme, i Apr., I June, i July, 1865. Baird, W. Edgar Allan Poe. New Eclectic Magazine, Aug., 1874. Baker, H. T. Coleridge's Influence on Poe's Poetry. Modem Language Notes, Mar., 1910. Baldwin, S. The .^Esthetic Theory of Poe. Sewanee Review, Apr., 1918.