Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/478

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462 Bibliographies Canby, H. S. The Short Story in English. Pp. 227-245. 1909, Carter, H. H. Some Aspects of Poe's Poetry. Arena, March, 1907. Chase, L. N. Poe and his Poetry. London, 1913. John Bransby, Poe's Schoolmaster. Athenaeum, May, 1916. Poe's First London SchooL Dial, ii May, 1916. "MChivers, T. H.] Origin of Poe's "Raven." Waverley Magazine, 30 July, 1853. ■•HDlarke, T. C. The Late N. P. Willis, and Literary Men Forty Years Ago. New- ark Northern Monthly Magazine, Jan., 1868. Cobb, P. The Influence of E. T. A. Hoffmann on the Tales of Edgar Allan Poe. ' Chapel Hill (N. C), 1908. Poe and Hoffmann. South Atlantic Quarterly, Jan., 1909. Edgar Allan Poe and Friedrich Spielhagen. Their Theory of the Short Story. Modem Language Notes, Mar., 1910. Cody, S. The Best Poems and Essays of Edgar AUan Poe [with a Biographical Study]. Chicago, 1903. Poe as a Critic. Putnam's Monthly, Jan., 1909. Collins, J. C. Studies in Poetry and Criticism. Pp. 42-45. London, 1905. ■^=»>€boke, P. P. Edgar A. Poe. Southern Literary Messenger, Jan., 1848. Curwen, H. Sorrow and Song: Studies of Literary Struggle. London, 1875. ~ Cutler, S. P. Poe's "Eureka" Reconsidered. New Eclectic Magazine, Nov., 1869. Dailey, C. F., and Harrison, J. A. Poe and Mrs. Whitman. Century Magazine, Jan., 1909. [Daniel, J. M.] Edgar Allan Poe. Southern Literary Messenger, Mar., 1850. [Davidson, J. W.] Edgar A. Poe. Russell's Magazine, Nov., 1857. Didier, E. L. An Early Poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Scribner's Monthly, Sept., 1875. The Life and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. 1877. Revised ed., 1879. The Poe Cult and Other Poe Papers. 1909. Dole, N. H. Introduction to The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Cen- tenary Edition, Akron, O. [1908]. Douglas, N. Edgar Allan Poe from an English Point of View. Putnam's Monthly, Jan., 1909. Douglass-Lithgow, R. A. Poe's Vindication, The Individuality of Edgar Allan Poe. Boston, 191 1. Edgar A- Poe [anon.]. London Critic, Feb., 1854. Rptd. in Southern Literary Messenger, Apr., 1854. Edgar Allan Poe [anon.]. Edinburgh Review, Apr., 1858. Edgar Allan Poe [anon.]. Edinburgh Review, Jan., 1910. Ellis, T. H. Edgar Allan Poe. Richmond Standard, 7 May, 188 1. English, T. D. Reminiscences of Poe. Independent, 15, 22, 29 Oct., 5 Nov., 1896. Ewers, H. H. Edgar Allan Poe. Die Dichtung, vol. xlii., Berlin, n. d. [1905]. Rptd. in English translation by Lewisohn, A., 1917. Fairfield, P. G. A Mad Man of Letters. Scribner's Monthly, Oct., 1875. Ferguson, J. D. American Literature in Spain. Pp. 55-86, 229-236. 1916. Fletcher, J. B. Poe, Hawthorne, and Morality. Harvard Monthly, Feb., 1887. Porgues, E. D. Les Contes d'Edgar A. Poe. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 Oct., ^ 1846. ^^-[Porster, J.] American Poetry. ForeignQuarterly Review, Jan., 1844. French, J. C. Poe and the Baltimore Saturday Visiter. Modem Langtmge Notes, May, 1918.