Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/487

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Publicists and Orators 47 1 Henry Clay I. Published Speeches Life and Speeches. Ed. Mallory, D. 2 vols., 1843. 6th ed., 2 vols., 1844. Works. . . . Comprising his Life, Correspondence, and Speeches; ed. Col- ton, C. 6 vols. 1857. [Vols, i-iii, Life and Times by Colton, 1844, 2 vols.; rev. ed., 1856, 3 vols.] With introduction by Reed, T. B., and A History of Tariff Legislation from 1812-1896 by McKinley, W. 7 vols., 1897; 10 vols., 1904. [Contains bibliography.] An Address ... to the Public; Containing Certain Testimony in Refutation of the Charges against Him, Made by Gen. Andrew Jackson, Touching the last Presidential Election. Washington, 1827; Russelville, 1828; Lexington, 1828; Natchez, 1828. ASupplementto the Address of Henry Clay. . . . Washington, 1828. Life and Speeches of Henry Clay . . between 18 10 and 1842 . . . edited by Swain, James B. 1842. Another ed., 2 vols., 1843. The Ashland Text Book, Being a Compendium of Mr. Clay's Speeches, on Various Public Measures. . . 1844. Speeches . . Delivered in the Congress of the United States; to which is Pre- fixed a Biographical Memoir. . . Philadelphia, 1826, 1827, 1828. See, also, Sabin's Dictionary for other editions. 2. Biography and Criticism Sargent, E. The Life and Public Services of Henry Clay. 1844. Life of Henry Clay, the Statesman and Patriot; containing Numerous Anecdotes. Philadelphia, 1853. Boston and New York, 1875 (The Young American's Library). Clay, T. H. Henry Clay. Philadelphia. [1910.] Prentice, G. D. Biography of Henry Clay. Hartford, 1831. 2d ed, rev., New York, 1 83 1. Rogers, J. M. The True Henry Clay. Philadelphia and London, 1904. Sargent, N. . . . Life of Henry Clay. Philadelphia, 1844. Schurz, C. Henry Clay. (American Statesmen Series.) 2 vols. Boston, 1887, 1899. Winthrop, R. C. Memoir of Henry Clay, in Memorial Biographies of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society. Vol. i, Boston, 1880. Also sepa- rately, Cambridge, Mass., 1880. The Last Seven Years of the Life of Henry Clay. The New Englander, vol. xiv, no. iv. New Haven, 1856. Also published as Colton, C. The Last Seven Years of the Life of Henry Clay. 1856. Henry Clay, as an Orator. The New Englander, vol. 11, no. i, 1844. Henry Clay, as an Orator. Putnam's Monthly Magazine, May, 1854. Edward Everett Writings Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. Boston, 1836. 2d ed., 4 vols., Boston, 1850-1868. 7th ed., 4 vols., Boston, 1865-72. Academical Education. [Washington University, St. Louis, Inauguration.] Boston, 1857-