Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/493

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Publicists and Orators 477 Commentaire sur la Constitution F^d^rale des Etats-Unis, pi6c6d6 d'un apergu sitr THistoire des Colonies et des Etats avant I'adoption de la Constitution; traduit du Commentaire abr6g6 et augments des observations de Jefferson, Rawle, De Tocqueville, etc., et de notes sur la Jurisprudence et I'Organisation Judiciaire, par Paul Odent. 2 vols. Paris, 1843. Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence, as aiministered in England and America. 2 vols., Boston, 1836; 2d ed., 2 vols., Boston, 1839 (reprinted, London, 1839); 13th ed. (Bigelow, M. M.), 2 vols., Boston, 1886; 2d Eng. ed. (Grigsby, W. E.), London, 1892. Commentaries on Equity Pleadings and the Incidents thereto. According to the Practice of the Courts of Equity of England and America. Boston, 1838; 2d ed., Boston, 1840; loth ed. (Gould, J. M.), Boston, 1892. Commentaries on the Law of Agency as a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence, with Illustrations from the Civil and Foreign Law. Boston, 1839; 2d ed., Boston, 1844; 9th ed. (Greenough, C. P.), Boston, 1882. Commentaries on the Law of Bailments, with Illustrations from the Civil and Foreign Law. Cambridge, 1832; 2d ed., Boston, 1840; 9th ed. (Schouler, James), Boston, 1878. Commentaries on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Foreign and Inland, as Adminis- tered in England and America, with Illustrations from the Commercial Law of Continental Europe. Boston, 1843; 2d ed. [Story, W. W.], Boston, 1847; 4th ed. [Bennett, E. H.j, Boston, i860. Englisches und nordamerikanisches Wechselrecht; deutsch bearbeitet und mit Aimierkungen und Vorrede begleitet von G. K. Treitschke. Leipzig, 1845. Commentaries on the Law of Partnership as a Branch of Commercial and Mari- time Jiuisprudence, with Illustrations from the Civil and Foreign Law. Bos- ton, 1841; 2ded. [Story, W. W.], Boston, 1846; 7th ed. [Wharton, W. F.], Boston, 1 88 1. Commentaries on the Law of Promissory Notes and Guaranties of Notes, and Checks on Banks and Bankers, with Illustrations from the Commercial Law of Continental Europe. Boston, 1845; 2d ed. [Story, W. W.]; Boston, 1847; 7th ed. [Thomdike, J. L.], Boston, 1878. Decree of the Circuit Court of the United States in the Case of the Ship Argonaut. [Salem, 1823.] Discourse at the Obsequies of John Hooker Ashmun, in the Chapel of [Harvard] University. April 5, 1833. Cambridge, 1833. Discourse on the Past History, Present State, and Future Prospects of the Law. 1835. (In Cabinet Library of Scarce and Celebrated Tracts, 1837.) Discourse Pronounced upon [his] Inauguration as Dane Professor of Law in Har- vard University, 25th Aug., 1829. Boston, 1829. Discotarse upon the Life, Character, and Services of John Marshall, Pronounced 15th Oct., at the Request of the Suffolk Bar. Boston, 1835. Address on Chief Justice Marshall, Delivered in 1852 [1835] at Request of the Suffolk (Mass.) Bar. Rochester, 1900. Eulogy on George Washington, Written at the Request of the Inhabitants of Marblehead, and Delivered 2d Jan., 1800. Salem, 1800. Exposition of the Constitution of the United States; a Commentary on Every Clause, with Appendix [of] Public Documents. 1856, 1859. Memorial: the Case of the Schooner Reward, before the Commissioners for the Settlement of Claims, under the Treaty with France, Ratified, 1832. [n. p.] 1835- Miscellaneous Poems: by John Agawam. [Ipswich], 1828.