Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/513

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Writers on American History 497 Tucker, George. Progress of the United States in Population and Wealth, in Fifty Years. 1843. History of the United States to the End of the 26th Ck)ngress in 184 1. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1856-58. IV. Writers whose Work was Chiefly Editing or Compiling Force, Peter. The National Calendar and Annals of the United States, 1820 to 1836. 14 vols. Washington, 1820-36. None issued for 1825, 1826, 1827. [Sabin says "to 1838 or later," but the present writer has found no set ex- tending beyond 1836.] A Directory for the Public Offices, the Library, Offices, and Committee Rooms, in the Capitol . . . with an Alphabetical Directory of the Members of Congress. Washingon, 1820. National Government Journal and Register of Official Papers; vol. i, Dec. 3, 1823, to Nov. 20, 1824. Washington, 1823-24. [An "extra" published weekly to accompany Force's newspaper: no other volume published.] Register of the Army and Navy of the United States, no. i, 1830. Washing- ton, 1830. First American Congress, Proceeding of the British Parliament and of the Colonies in relation to the . . . Congress of the North American Colonies . . . in New York, in October, 1765. Washington, 1832. Reprinted from The National Calendar, 1832. [Joint ed. with Clarke, M. St. C] Report to John Fors3^h, Secretary of State on [the] Documentary History of the United States. Washington, 1834. Tracts and other Papers, relating Principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies of North America. 4 vols. Washington, 1836-46. American Archives: a Collection of authentic State Papers . . . forming a Documentary History of the North American Colonies. 9 vols. Washing- ton, 1837-53- Congressional Directory. Washington, 1841, 1842. Grinnell Land. [Washington, 1832.] Supplement to Grinnell Land. [Washington, 1853.] The Declaration of Independence, or Notes on Lord Mahon's History of the American Declaration of Independence. London, 1855. [First in The National Intelligencer, rev. and pub. in a limited ed. in London.] Record of Atu-oral Phenomena observed in the higher Northern Latitudes. Smithsonian Contribs. to Knowledge, vol. 8, no. 84, 1856. The Northwest Passage ... on the suggested Discovery of a Northwest Passage by Sir John Franklin. New York Times, 12 July, 1858. [Ed.] The National Journal. Washington, 1823 to 1830. Bassett, John S. Middle Group of American Historians. 1917. Chap. 5. Greene, George W. Col. Peter Force, the American Annalist. Mag. Amer. Hist., vol. 2, p. 221 (Apr., 1878). Also in North Amer. Rev., vol. 92, p. 364. [Anon.] Peter Force. The Amer. Hist. Record, vol. 3, p. I. Peter Force and his Library. Historical Magazine, vol. 9, p. 335. SpofiEord, Ainsworth R. The Life and Labors of Peter Force. Records of the Columbia Historical Society, vol. 2, p. i. Special Report of the Librarian to the Joint Committee on the Library concerning the Historical Library of Peter Force, Esqr. Washington, 1867. VOL. n — 3a