Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/523

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Early Humorists 507 The Morals of Abou Ben Adhem. Boston, 1875. [Half title at head of title page: Eastern Fruit on Western Dishes.] Deep-seated Mirth Holds a Place ip Every Line. Nasby on Inflation. . . . Mark Twain's Only Rival. Philadelphia, 1875. A Paper City. Boston and New York, 1878. The Democratic John Bunyan. Toledo, 1880. The Diary of an Office Seeker. Toledo, 1881. Hannah Jane. Boston and New York, 1882. Nasby in Exile; or. Six Months of Travel. Toledo and Boston, 1882. Prohibition. 1886. The Demagogue. A Political Novel. Boston and New York, 189 1. Augustus Baldwin Longstreet (1790-1870) Patriotic Effusions. By Bob Short. 1819. [Attributed to Longstreet.] Georgia Scenes, Characters, Incidents, etc., in the first Half Century of the Re- public. By a Native Georgian. Augusta [Ga.] 1835. New York, 1840, etc. Know Nothingism Unveiled. [Washington, 1855.] Master William Mitten. Macon [Ga.], 1864, 1889. Stories with a Moral, Humorous and Descriptive of Southern Life a Century ago. Philadelphia, 1912. John Ludlum McConnel (i 826-1 862) Talbot and Vernon. A Novel. 1850. Grahame, or Youth and Manhood. A Romance. 1850. The Glenns. A Family History. 1851. Western Characters; or, Types of Border Life in the Western States. Boston and New York, 1853. Cornelius Mathews (1817-1889) The Motley Book. A Series of Tales and Sketches. 1838. Behemoth. A Legend of the Mound-Builders. 1839. The True Aims of Life. 1839. The Politicians. A Comedy. 1840. Wakondah; the Master of Life. A Poem. 1841. The Career of Puffer Hopkins. 1841. Man in the Republic. Poems. London, 1842. New York, 1846. An Appeal to American Authors and the American Press in behalf of Inter- national Copyright. 1842. A Speech on International Copyright. 1842. The Various Writings of Cornelius Mathews. [1843]. The Better Interests of the Country. New York and London, 1843. Poems on Man, in his Various Aspects under the American Republic. 1843. Americanism. An Address. 1845. Big Abel and the Little Manhattan. 1845. Witchcraft. A Tragedy. 1846. Jacob Leisler. A Play. 1848. Moneypeimy, or The Heart of the World. A Romance of the Present Times. 1850.