Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/525

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Early Humorists 509 John Godfrey Saxb (1816-1887) [See Bibliography for Book I, Chap, xxiii.] John Seccomb (1708-1793) Tyler, M. C. American Literature. 1607-1765. Vol. 11, p. 46. Henry Wheeler Shaw (1818-1885) Josh BUlings. His Sayings. 1865. Josh Billings on Ice, and Other Things. 1868. Josh Billings' Farmers' Allminax for the Year 1870 [et seq.]. 1870 [et seq.]. Old Probabilities Contained in One Volume. Farmers' Allminax, 1870-1880. 1879. Josh Billings' Old Farmers' Allminax, 1870-1879. 1902. Twelve Ancestral Signs in the Billings' Zodiac Gallery. [Hartford], 1873. Josh Billings, his Works Complete. 1876. Everybody's Friend. 1876. Josh Billings' Trump Kards. Blue Glass Philosophy. 1877. Complete Comical Writings of Josh Billings, with Biographical Introduction. 1877. Josh Billings Struggling with Things. 1 88 1 . Josh Billings' Spice Box. 1 88 1. Smith, Francis S. Life and Adventures of Josh Billings. 1883. Thompson, A. P. Josh Billings. New England Magazine, n.s., vol. 19, p. 696. Frederick William Shelton (1814-1881) The Trollopiad, or Travelling Gentlemen in America. A Satire, by Nil Admirari. 1837. Salander and the Dragon. 1850. The Rector of St. Bardolph's, or Superannuated. 1853. Up the River. 1853. Crystalline, or the Heiress of Fall Down Castle. 1854. Peeps from a Belfry, or the Parish Sketch Book. 1855. Benjamin Penhallow Shillaber (1814-1890) Rhymes with Reason and Without. Boston, 1853. Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington. Boston and New York, 1854. Knitting- Work. Boston, 1857. Partingtonian Patchwork. Boston and New York, 1873. Lines in Pleasant Places. Chelsea [Mass.], 1874. Ike Partington and his Friends. Boston, 1879, 1906. Cruises with Captain Bob. Boston, 1881. A Wide Swath. Poems. Cambridge, 1882. The Double-runner Club. Boston and New York, 1882. A Midnight Race. Boston, 1888. Mrs. Partington's Grip-sack, filled with Fresh Things. 1890. Charles Henry Smith (1826-1903) A Side Show of the Southern Side of the War. . . by Bill Arp, so called. 1866. Bill Arp's Letters. 1868. Bill Arp's Peace Papers. 1873.