Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/528

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512 Bibliographies

  • British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books; Periodical Publications. London,

1 899-1 900. Co-operative List of Periodical Literature in the Libraries of Central California. University of California Publications; Library Bulletin, no. i. 3d enlarged ed. Berkeley, 1902. List of Serials in the University of CaUfomia Library. University of California Library Bulletin, no. 18. Berkeley, 1913. A List of Serials in Public Libraries of Chicago and Evanston. Corrected to January, 1901. Compiled by the Chicago Library Club. Chicago, 1901. Supplement to the List of Serials in PubUc Libraries of Chicago and Evanston. By Clement W. Andrews. Second edition, corrected to November, 1905. Chicago, 1906. List of Serials in the University of Illinois Library, together with those in other Libraries in Urbana and Champaign. By Francis K. Drury. Urbana- Champaign, 191 1.

  • Literary Periodicals in the New York Public Library and the Columbia Uni-

versity Library. Bulletin of the New York Public Library, volume III, pages 1 18-135, 172-186. 1899. A List of Serials in the Principal Libraries of Philadelphia and its Vicinity. Bulle- tin of the Free Library of Philadelphia, Number 8. Philadelphia. 1908. Supplement. Number 9. Philadelphia, 1910. A Joint Catalogue of the Periodicals, Publications and Transactions of Societies, and other Books published at Intervals to be foimd in the various Libraries of the City of Toronto. Toronto, 1913. Alden, H. M. Magazine Writing and the New Literature. 1908. Chapter v, American Periodicals. Bellew, Frank H. T. Old-Time Magazines. Cosmopolitan, vol. xiij, p. 343- Blackwood's Magazine, vol. Lxiii, p. 106. The Periodical Literature of America. Bolton, H. Carrington. Helps for Cataloguers of Serials. A short List of Bib- liographies arranged by Countries, with special reference to Periodicals. Bulletin of Bibliography (Boston). Volume I, page 37.

  • BurUngame, Edward L. Periodical Literature. In The American Cyclopedia.

1875. Cairns, William B. On the Development of American Literature from 1815 to 1833, with especial reference to Periodicals. Madison, Wisconsin, 1898. (Lists of periodicals in appendices.) Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Publications of, vol. xiii, p. 69. Alphabetical list of New England Magazines, 1 743-1800. Duyckinck.Bvart A., and George L. Cyclopedia of American Literature. Edited to date by M. Laird Simmons. Philadelphia, n. d. [1875]. [See entry "Periodicals" in index.] Evans, Charles. American Bibliography. A Chronological dictionary of all books, pamphlets, and periodical publications printed in the United States of America from the genesis of printing in 1639 down to and including the year 1820. Chicago, 1903-. Volume viii (1790-1792), 1912. Faxon, Frederick W. Boston Book Company's Check List of American and EngUsh Periodicals. Boston, 1899.

  • Goodnight, Scott Holland. German Literature in American magazines prior

to 1846. Madison, Wisconsin, 1907. (Appendix, List C, has names of periodicals consulted.)