Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/549

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Divines and Moralists 533 Biography and Criticism [Cheney, Mary Bushnell (daughter of H. B.) and others.] Life and Letters of Horace Bushnell. . . . 1880. [Chap, xxiii, by Rev. E[dwin] P. Parker; chap, xxiv, by P[rances Louisa] Bushnell (another daughter of H. B.).] With portraits and illustrations, 1903. Munger, Theodore T. Horace Bushnell. In Warner's Library of the World's Best Literature [1897], vol. 5, pp. 2909-2914. Horace Bushnell. Preacher and Theologian. Boston and New York, 1899. [Pp. xi-xiv. List of Published Writings.] Williston Walker, and others. Bushnell Centenary. Minutes of the General Association of Connecticut at the One Hundred and Ninety-Third Annual Meeting. . . . Hartford, June 17, 18, 1902. Hartford Press. .. . 1902. [Partial contents: T. T. Munger, The Secret of Bushnell; Joseph H. Twich- ell. Personal Reminiscences; Williston Walker, Dr. Bushnell as a Religious Leader.] Stevens, George B. Horace Bushnell and Albrecht Ritschl. A Comparison. In American Journal of Theology, Jan., 1902. Vol. vi, pp. 35-56. See, also, Boardman, Gladden, and Stokes {op. cit.). Timothy Dwight (1752-1817) Separate Works The Nature, and Danger, of Infidel Philosophy, Exhibited in Two Discourses, Addressed to the Candidates for the Baccalaureate, in Yale CoUege, . . . September 9th, 1797. New Haven, 1798. A Discourse, deUvered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; On the Character of George Washington, Esq. at the Request of the Citizens. . . . New Haven, 1800. A Sermon preached at the opening of the Theological Institution in Andover; and at the ordination of Rev. Eliphalet Pearson, LL.D., September 28th, 1808. Boston. . . . 1808. [Reproves secular culture in the pulpit.] Observations on Language. [In] Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. i, pp. 365-386. New Haven, n. d. [1816 ?]. On Light. Ibid., 387-392. n. d. [1816 ?]. Theology; explained and defended, in a Series of Sermons. . . . With a Memoir of the life of the author [by his sons, Sereno Edwards Dwight and William Theo- dore Dwight]. In five volumes. . . . Middletown, Conn. Printed . . . for Timothy Dwight, New-Haven. [Vols, i-iv] 1818; [vol. v] 1819. London, 5 vols., 1819; Glasgow, 2 vols., 1822-4; New Haven and New York, 4 vols., 1825-9; New York, 4 vols., 1854. Travels; in New-England and New- York: by Timothy Dwight, S.T.D. LL.D., Late President of Yale College; author of Theology Explained and Defended. In four volumes. New-Haven, 1821-1822. The same. London, 1823. An Essay on the Stage: in which the Arguments in its behalf, and those against it, are considered; and its morality, character, and efiEects illustrated. London, 1824. ["This edition purports to be a reprint of one issued in Middletown, Connecticut, and has a Preface which is written as if for publication in the author's lifetime; but no copy of the original edition is traced." Dexter: Biographical. Sketches, iii, 332.] Sermons. ... 2 vols. New Haven, 1828. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1828. Biography and Criticism Dwight, Benjamin Woolsey. The History of the Descendants of John Dwight, of Dedham, Mass. ... 2 vols. 1874. ii 140-166.