Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/558

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542 Bibliographies Pages from an Old Volume of Life. A Collection of Essays . . . 1857-1881. Boston and New York, 1883. Ralph Waldo Emerson. . . . (American Men of Letters Series.) . . . Bos- ton and New York, 1885 [1884]. London, 1885. A Mortal Antipathy. First Opening of the New Portfolio .... Boston and New York, 1885. Our Hundred Days in Europe. . . . Boston and New York, 1887. London, 1888. Before the Curfew, and Other Poems. Chiefly Occasional. . . . Boston and New York, 1888. La Dernifere Peuille . . . Traduit par B. H. Gausseron. Paris, 1889. Tribute to the Memory of Henry J. Bigelow, M.D. . . . University Press. [Boston], 1 89 1. Over the Teacups. Boston and New York, 1891 [1890]. The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Hohnes. 3 vols. Boston and New York, 1891. [Riverside Ed. Contains new poems.] Edinburgh, 1892, 4 vols. Letterto William H. Baldwin, Esq., read at the Whittier Commemoration. . . . [Boston, 1892.] III. Biography and Criticism American Humour. The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. British Quarterly Review. Oct., 1870. Ball, James. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and His Works. London, 1878. Brown, Emma Elizabeth. Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, [1884]. Crothers, Samuel McChord. Oliver Wendell Holmes; the Autocrat and his Fel- low-Boarders. With Selected Poems. Boston and New York, 1910. [From The Atlantic Monthly, Aug., 1909.] Curtis, George William. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Harper's Monthly. July, 1891. Fields, Annie. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Personal Recollections and Unpublished Letters. Century Mag., Feb., 1895. Gosse, Edmund. An English View of the "Autocrat." Critic, i Dec, 1894. Hale, Edward Everett. An Afternoon with Dr. Holmes. McClure's Mag. May, 1893- OHver Wendell Hohnes. Critic. 13 Oct., 1894. Impressions of Dr. Holmes. Outlook. 20 Oct., 1894. Personal Recollections of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Arena. Dec., 1895. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Old Cambridge. Boston, 1900. Holmes Breakfast, The. Atlantic Monthly. Feb., 1880. Howells, W. D. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Harper's Monthly. Dec., 1896. Literary Friends and Acquaintance. 1900. Jehu Junior. Men of the Day. No. ccclxii. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes. With Burlesque portrait. Vanity Fair [London]. 19 June, 1886. Lang, Andrew. Adventures Among Books. London, 1905. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Dr. Holmes. North American Review. Dec, 1894. Lowell, James Russell. A Fable for Critics. 1848. Ludlow, J. M . Elsie Venner and Silas Marner : a Few Words on Two Noteworthy Novels. Macmillan's Mag. Aug., 1861. Mitford, Mary Russell. American Poets. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Recollec- tions of a Literary Life. London, 1858. Schroeder, William L. Oliver Wendell Holmes. An Appreciation, London, 1909.