Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/560

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544 Bibliographies Eugene Pidd and his Work. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, p. 265. Wilson, P. The Eugene Field I Knew. 1902. Henry Cuyler Bunner (1855-1896) Airs from Arcady, and Elsewhere. . . . 1884. Rowen. Second Crop Songs. . . . 1892. Poems. . . . 1896. 1899. 1912 [Ed. Brander Matthews.] Three Operettas. . . . 1897. See, also, Bibliography for Book III, Chap. vi. Hutton, Lawrence. Henry C. Bunner. Bookman, 3: 398. Henry Cuyler Bunner. Bookman, Oct., 1910. Matthews, Brander. Henry C. Bunner. Book Buyer, vol. 13, p. 280. ^^Life and Work of H. C. Bunner. The Historical Novel and Other Essays. 1901. Uncollected Poems of H. C. Bunner. Recreations of an Anthologist. 1904. Paine, H. G. H. C. Bimner and his Circle. Bookman. June, 1912. Sherman, P. D. Henry C. Bunner as Poet. Critic. Vol. 28, p. 363. Matthews, B. American Familiar Verse. 1904. [Selections from numerous writers, with an introductory essay.] Mark Van Doren. CHAPTER XXIV LOWELL Cooke, G. W. A Bibliography of James Russell Lowell. Boston and New York, 1906. Livingston, L. S. A Bibliography of the First Editions in Book Form of the Writ- ings of James Russell Lowell compiled largely from the Collection formed by the late Jacob Chester Chamberlain. 1914. [Privately printed.] [Extra- ordinarily accurate.] See, also, the following biographies cited below: Hale, E.E., Jr., Scudder, H. E., Underwood, P. H. I. Collected Works Riverside Ed., 10 vols., Boston and New York, 1890. Standard Library Ed., from same plates, Boston and New York, 1891. To this was added an nth vol. in 1892, and the 2 vols, of Scudder's Life in 1902. Popular Ed., 6 vols. Boston, 189?. Elmwood Ed., 16 vols., Boston, 1904. [Contains 4 vols, of Letters.] Autpgraph Ed., from same plates, Boston, 1904. Of the numerous collected eds. of Lowell's Poems the most important are: Blue and Gold Ed., Boston, 1858, 2 vols.; Complete Ed., Boston, 1869; New Revised Ed., Boston, 1877; Household Ed., Boston, 1895; Cambridge Ed., Boston and New York [1897], [ed. Scudder, H. E.; and the best ed. of the Poetical Works.] There are scores of vols, of selections. II. Separate Works Class Poem. . . . Cambridge, 1838. [Privately printed.] A Year's Life. . . . Boston, 1841. Poems. . . . Cambridge, 1844 [1843]. 3 London eds., 1844.