Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/595

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Whitman 579 Trimble, Annie E. Concordance-Making in New Zealand. A. M., Sept., 1909, vol. 104, pp. 364-7. Walt Whitman and Mental Science. Privately printed by W, H. Trimble, n. d. [191 1], pp. 15, paper. Trimble, W. H. Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass, an Introduction. London, 190S1 PP- 100. Issued both in cloth and paper. A Concordance of Whitman's Leaves of Grass, compiled by W. H. Trimble, Annie E. Trimble, and Isaac Hull Piatt. Still in manuscript. Trowbridge, John Townsend. Whitman: Inspired and Uninspired: and His "Eroticism." Con., Mar., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 4-5. Reminiscences of Walt Whitman. A. M., Feb., 1902, vol. 89, pp. 163-175. Reprinted, with additions, in My Own Story, Boston, 1903, pp. 360-401. Trumbull, J. Walt Whitman's View of Shakespeare. P. L., July, 1890, vol. 2, pp. 368-371- The Whitman-Shakespeare Question. P. L., Dec., 1891, vol. 3, pp. 626-9. Universal Brotherhood Path. Walt Whitman — a Sketch. Dec., 1901, vol. 16, pp. 502-51 1 , signed " W. " Viele-Griffin, Francis. Autobiographie de Walt Whitman. Les Entretiens pol- itiques et litt^raires, Apr., 1892, vol. 4, no. 25. Vildrac, Charles. La legon de Walt Whitman. Les Feuilles de Mai, Apr.-May- June, 1913, pp. 143-149- Wager-Fishei , Mary E. Poets' Homes: Walt Whitman. Wide Awake, Feb., 1878, pp. 109-114. Wallace, Henry. Walt Whitman: Seer. A Brief Study. London, 1904, pp. 55. Walling, William English. Whitman and Traubel. 1916, pp. 145. Walsh, William S. Walt Whitman. L. M., May, 1892, pp. 621-3. Walters, Frank. Walt Whitman. Papers for the Times, 2d Series, London, 1880. Watts, D. G. Walt Whitman. Arena, Jan. 1892, pp. 228-236. Watts-Dunton, Theodore. Obit, notice. Athenaeum, 2 Apr., 1892, no. 3362, pp. 436-7. Wentworth, Franklin. The Breaker of Seals. Con., July, 1905, vol. i6,pp.69-7i. Wheeler, Andrew Carpenter ("Nym Crinkle"). Whitman's Moods. New York Commercial Advertiser (Globe), 2 Apr., 1892. White, Eliot. Walt Whitman's Significance to a Revolutionist. Con., July, 191 1, vol. 22, pp. 71-72. Walt Whitman and the Living Present. Con., Oct., 1913, vol. 24, p. 117. White, W. Hale. Genius of Walt Whitman. Secular Review, 20 Mar., 1880. Wiksell, Gustav Percival. Self-Primacy in Whitman. Fellowship Paper, May,l898. Willcox, Louise Collier. Walt Whitman. N. A. R., Aug., 1906, vol. 183, pp. 281- 296. Wilde, Oscar. The Gospel According to Walt Whitman. Pall Mall Gazette, 25 Jan., 1889, vol. 49, p. 3. Wilkie, James. The Democratic Movement in Literature: Walt Whitman. Cupar-Fife, 1886, pp. 42, paper. Willard, Cyrus Field. A Chat with the Good Gray Poet. American Magazine, Dec, 1887, vol. 7, pp. 217-220. Williams, Francis Howard. Walt Whitman as Deliverer. Fellowship Paper, Aug., 1894, pp. 30. A Woman Waits for Me. Con., Apr., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 26-7. Individuality as Whitman's Primary Mptjv?, Gon-, July, 1900, vol. 11, PP- 71-3-