Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/604

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588 Bibliographies Randall, James Ryder (1839-1908). Maryland, My Maryland, and Other Poems. Baltimore and New York. [ 1908.] Poems, 1910. [Introduction and Notes by Andrews, M. P.] Ryan, Abram Joseph (1839-86). Father Ryan's Poems. Mobile, 1879. Poems. Patriotic, Religious, Miscellaneous. 1880. Poems; Patriotic, Religious, Miscellaneous . . . containing his Posthu- mous Poems. [1896.] [Memoir by Moran, John.] Ticknor, Francis Orray (1822-74). Poems. Philadelphia, 1879. [Introductory Notice by Hayne, P. H.] Poems, New York and Washington, 191 1. [Ed. Ticknor, Michelle Cutliff.] Timrod, Henry (1829-67). Poems. Boston, i860. Poems. 1873. [Ed. Hayne, P. H.] 2d ed., 1874. Katie. 1884. Poems. Boston and New York, 1899. (Memorial Edition.) Richmond, 1901. Austin, H. Henry Timrod. International Review, Sept., 1880. Ross, C. H. The New Edition of Timrod. Sewanee Review, Oct., 1899. Routh, J. E. Some Fugitive Poems of Timrod. South Atlantic Quarter- ly, Jan., 1903. Wauchope, G. A. Henry Timrod: Man and Poet, a Critical Study. Columbia, S. C, 1915. Wilde, Richard Henry (1789-1847). Conjectures Concerning the Love, Madness, and Imprisonment of Torquato Tasso. 1842. 2 vols. Hesperia. Boston, 1867. Jones, C. C. Life, Literary Labors, and Neglected Grave of Richard Henry Wilde. [Augusta] 1885. Koch, T. W. Dante in America. Boston, 1896. [Contains an account of Wilde's Italian studies.] III. General Authorities See Bibliography to Book III, Chap. iv. CHAPTER IV THE NEW SOUTH A. General Authorities Alderman (Edwin Anderson) Harris Qoel Chandler) [and others]. Library of Southern Literature. Compiled under the direct supervision of Southern men of letters. Published under the approval and patronage of distinguished citizens of the South. Atlanta. [1909-13.] 13 vols. Baskervill, W. M. Southern Writers. Nashville, 1898-1903. 2 vols. [Vol. I by Professor Baskervill; vol. 11 by various authors.] Bradshaw, S. E. On Southern Poetry Prior to i860. N. p. 1900. [University of Virginia dissertation.] Fulton, Maurice Garland. Southern Life in Southern Literature. Selections of representative prose and poetry. Boston and New York, 191 7. Henneman, John Bell. [Ed.] The South in the Building of the Nation. A his- tory of the Southern states designed to record the South's part in the making of the American nation; to portray the character and genius, to chronicle the