Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/615

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The New South 599 The Settlement of the Jews in Georgia. Pubhcations of the American Jewish Historical Society, 1893. The Siege and Evacuation of Savannah, Georgia, in December, 1864. An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors' Association ... on the occa- sion of its twelfth annual reunion . . . Augusta, 1890. The Siege of Savannah in December, 1864, and the Confederate Operations in Georgia and the Third Military District of South Carolina during General Sherman's March from Atlanta to the Sea. [Privately printed.] Albany, 1874. Silver Crosses from an Indian Grave Mound at Coosa wattee Old Town in Murray County, Georgia. 1883 [not seen]. Sons of Confederate Veterans. An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors' Association ... on the occasion of its thirteenth annual re- union. . Augusta, 1891. William Few, Lieutenant General of Georgia Militia in the Revolutionary Service. 1883 [not seen]. II. Works Edited Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Colony of Georgia, 1755 to 1774. 1 88 1 [not seen]. Jones, Rev. Charles Colcock: The History of the Church of God during the Period of Revelation. 1867 [not seen]. Memorandum of the Route pursued by Colonel Campbell in 1779, from Savannah to Augusta, Georgia. 1887 [not seen]. [Perceval, Sir John, First Earl of Egmont.] A Journal of the Transactions of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America. . . . Now first printed. Wormsloe, 1886. Purry, Jean Pierre. Memorial presented to his Grace, my Lord the Duke of Newcastle. . upon the present condition of Carolina, and the means of its amelioration. [Savannah] 1880. The Siege of Savannah, in 1779, as described in two contemporaneous journals of French officers in the fleet of Count d'Estaing. Albany, 1874. III. Biographical and Critical Gumming, Joseph B. Memorial Resolution at the sixteenth annual reunion of the Confederate Survivors' Association . . in honor of its late president. Colonel Charles C. Jones, Jr., LL.D., together with the speeches of Messrs. F. M. Stovall and Salem Dutcher seconding the resolution; the remarks of Capt. Charles E. Coffin; and the historian's report, submitted by Charles Edgeworth Jones . . . . Augusta, 1894. Fleming, William H. Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. Library of Southern Literature. Henkels, Stan. V. The Autographic Collection and Engraved Portraits and Views g?thered by the late Colonel Charles Colcock Jones, historian of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1894. [Addenda to the next title.] Catalogue of the Valuable Autographic Collection and Engraved Portraits and Views gathered by the late Colonel Charles Colcock Jones, historian of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1894. Jones, Charles Edgeworth. In Memoriam. Col. Charles C. Jones, Jr., LL.D. Historian, Biographer, and Archeologist, 1 831-1893. Augusta, 1893.