Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/617

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The New South 60 1 Florida: its Scenery, Climate, and History. With an Account of Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, and Aiken, and a Chapter for Consumptives; being a Complete Hand-Book and Guide. With Numerous Illustrations. Phila- delphia [1875]. Enlarged as: Florida: its Scenery, Climate, and History. With an Account of Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, and Aiken; a Chapter for Consumptives; Various Papers on Pruit-culture; and a Complete Hand- Book and Guide. With Numerous Illustrations. Philadelphia, ^1876. "A cheap edition." Philadelphia, 1877. "A new edition." Philadelphia, 1881. St. Augustine in April. The Ocklawaha in May. Some Highways and By- ways of American Travel. Philadelphia, 1 878. Letters. Selections from his Correspondence, 1866-1881. With Portraits. 1899, 1907. [Prefatory Note by Charles Day Lanier.] Music and Poetry. Essays upon some aspects and interrelations of the two arts. 1898. Retrospects and Prospects. Descriptive and Historical Essays. 1899. [Pre- fatory Note by C[harles] D[ay] L[anier.]] One of these essays, San Antonio de Bexar, in San Antonio de Bexar. A Guide and History. Compiled and edited by William Comer. San Antonio, 1890. The Science of English Verse. 1880, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1891, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898. 1914- Selections from Sidney Lanier. Prose and Verse. With an' introduction and notes. Edited by Henry W. Lanier. [1916.] Shakespeare and his Forerunners. Studies in Elizabethan poetry and its de- velopment from Early English. [Edited by Henry Wysham Lanier.] 1902. 2 vols, in I vol. 1908. [Preface by Henry Wysham Lanier.] Tiger-Lilies. A Novel. 1867. II. Poetry The Centennial Meditation of Columbia. A Cantata for the inaugural ceremo- nies at Philadelphia, May 10, 1876. Poem by Sidney Lanier, of Georgia. Music by Dudley Buck, of Connecticut. 1876. Hymns of the Marshes. Illustrated from Nature by Henry Troth. 1907. Poem Outlines. 1908. [Note by H[enry] W[ysham] L[anier].] Poems. Philadelphia, 1877. Poems . . . edited by his Wife, with a Memorial by William Hayes Ward. 1884, 1885, 1886, 1888, 1889, 1890. New Edition [containing on pp. 152-158 seven short poems]. 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1905, 1906. Selections from Prose and Verse. [See I above.] Select Poems of Sidney Lanier. Edited, with an Introduction, Notes, and Bib- liography, by Morgan Calloway. 1895, 1899. III. Works Edited The Boy's Froissart, being Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of Adventure, Battle, and Custom in England, France, Spain, etc. Edited for boys with an in- troduction. Illustrated by Alfred Kappes. 1879, 1880, 1881. New issue in Boy's Library of Legend and Chivalry. 1884, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1895, 1897, 1901. The Boy's King Arthur, being Sir Thomas Malory's History of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Edited for boys with an introduction.