Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/620

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6o4 Bibliographies Mrs. Susan Dabney Smedes {1840- ) Memorials of a Southern Planter. Baltimore, 1887. 2d ed., Baltimore, 1888. As: A Southern Planter. 4th ed., New York, 1890. 7th ed., New York, 1899. McVea, Emilie W. Susan Dabney Smedes. Library of Southern Li terature. John Banister Tabb {1845-1900) I. Works Bone Rules; or, Skeleton of English Grammar. 1897. Child Verse. Poems Grave and Gay. Boston, 1899, 1900. Later Lyrics. London and New York, 1902. New York, 1910. Later Poems. 1910. Lyrics. Boston, 1897. [Four eds. of 500 each.] An Octave to Mary. Baltimore, 1893. Poems. [Baltimore, 1883.] Poems. Boston, 1894. 2d ed., Jan., 1895. 3d ed., Apr., 1895. 4th ed., Nov., 1895. 5th ed., July, 1896. 6th ed., Jan., 1897. 7th ed., Oct., 1897. 8th ed., Nov., 1898. 9th ed., Dec, 1900. loth ed., 1903. Quips and Quiddits, Ques for the Qurious. Boston, 1907. The Rosary in Rhyme. [Boston,] 1904, 1916. A Selection from the Verses of John B. Tabb, Made by Alice Meynell. Boston, 1907. New York, 1907. London [1907]. Two Lyrics. [Boston, 1900.] II. Biographical and Critical A Blind Poet. Independent, Ixv, 1508, 17 Dec, 1908. Browne, William Hand. John Banister Tabb. Library of Southern Literature. [Finn, Sister Mary Paulina]. John Bannister Tabb, the Priest-Poet. Washing- ton, 1915. Jacobi, Joseph B. The Large Philosophy in the Little Poems of Father Tabb. American Catholic Quarterly Review, xl, 33-47, Jan., 1915. Kelly, John B. The Poetry of a Priest. Catholic World, ciii, 228-233, May, 1916. Mather, F. J. Poetry of Father Tabb. Nation, Ixxxix, 534-6, 2 Dec, 1909. Meynell, Alice. Father Tabb as a Poet. Catholic World, xc, 577-82, Feb., 1900. O'Brien, J. L. A Contemporaneous Poet. American Catholic Quarterly Re- view, xxxv, 355-63, Apr., 1 910. Poems of John B. Tabb. Living Age, cciv, 372-5, 9 Nov., 1907. Poet and Priest. Outlook, xciii, 807-8, 11 Dec, 1909. Price, Thomas R. John Banister Tabb. A Study of his Poetry. A paper pre- pared by special request for a meeting of the Woman's Club of Richmond, Virginia, 18 March, 1895. [Boston] 1896. Zebulon Baird Vance (1830-1894) I. Works Address ... at Atlanta, Georgia, October 5, 1881. [Not seen.] Address at the Guilford Battle Ground, May 4, 1889. [Greensboro, N. C, 1889.]