Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/630

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6i4 Bibliographies Knight, L. L. Uncle Remus. Reminiscences of Famous Georgians, vol. I. Atlanta, Ga., 1907. Smith, C. Alphonso. Joel Chandler Harris, eine Abhandlung uber den Neger als literarisches Objekt. Die amerikanische Literatur. Berlin, 1912. Frederick Douglass Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Written by Himself. Boston, 1845. Revised as: My Bondage and My Freedom. New York, 1855. As: Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, written by Himself. His early Life as a Slave, his Escape from Bondage, and his complete History to the present Time, including his Connection with the Anti-Slavery Move- ment. Hartford, 1881. London, 1882 [Int. by John Bright]. Chesnutt, C. W. Frederick Douglass. Boston, 1899. Holland, F. M. Frederick Douglass: the Colored Orator. 1891. Rev. ed., 1895. [List of Douglass's speeches.] Washington, Booker T. Frederick Douglass. Philadelphia [1907]. W. E. BURGHARDT Du BOIS The Suppression of the African Slave-Trade to the United States of America. 1896. The Philadelphia Negro. 1899. The Souls of Black Polk; Essays and Sketches. Chicago, 1903. John Brown. Philadelphia [1909]. The Quest of the Silver Fleece. 1910. The Negro. New York and London, 1915. (Home University Library.) Editor: The Atlanta University Studies, Atlanta, 1896 — ; The Crisis: a [monthly] Record of the Darker Races, 191 o. Only a representative list of the writings of a notable negro scholar and publicist. Paul Laurence Dunbar Lyrics of Lowly Life . , with an Introduction by W. D. Howells. 1896. Folks from Dixie. 1898. The Uncalled; a Novel. 1898,1901. Lyrics of the Hearthside. 1899. Poems of Cabin and Field. . . . Illustrated with photographs by the Hampton Institute Camera Club. . 1899. The Love of Landry. 1900. The Strength of Gideon, andOther Stories. 1900. The Fanatics. 1901. Candle-lightin' Time . . . illustrated with photographs by the Hampton In- stitute Camera Club . . . 1 90 1. The Sport of the Gods. 1902. In Old Plantation Days. 1903. Lyrics of Love and Laughter. 1903. When Malindy Sings . illustrated with photographs by the Hampton In- stitute Camera Club . . 1903. The Heart of Happy Hollow. 1904. Li'l Gal. 1904.