Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/635

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The Short Story 619 The One-Footed Fairy and Other Stories. Boston, 191 1. Tiverton Tales. Boston, 1899. Vanishing Points. 1913. Henry Cuyler Bunner Hutton, L. Henry Cuyler Bunner. Bookman, 32: 196-8. Matthews, B. The Historical Novel and Other Essays. 1901. Introduction to Stories by H. C. Bunner. 1916. .Paine, H. G. H. C. Bunner and his Circle. Bookman, 35 : 397-406. In Partnership: Studies in Story Telling. [With Brander Matthews.] 1884. Love in Old Cloathes, and Other Stories. 1 896. Made in Prance. French Tales Retold with a U. S. Twist. 1893. More Short Sixes. 1894. Short Sixes; Stories to be Read While the Candle Burns. 1891. The Story of a New York House. 1887. Zadoc Pine and Other Stories. 1891. Collected Stories. 4 vols. 1916. See, also. Bibliography to Book II, Chap, xxiii, and Book III, Chap. xi. George W. Cable Alderman, E. A., and Others. Library of Southern Literature. Vol. 2. Bio- graphical Sketch by Mrs. John S. Kendall. Baskervill, W. M. Southern Writers. Nashville, 1897. Harkins, E. F. Famous Authors. Boston. Halsey, F. W. American Authors of Our Day in Their Homes. 1902. Toulmin, H. A., Jr. Social Historians. Boston, 191 1. Orgain, K. A. Southern Authors. Washington, 1908. Madame Delphine. 1881. Old Creole Days. 1879, 1881, 1883. [Madame Delphine was added to the collection after the first edition.] Posson Jone and PSre Raphael. 1909. Strange True Stories of Louisiana. 1889. Strong Hearts. 1899. See, also. Bibliography to Book III, Chap. xi. Kate Chopin Bayou Folk. Boston, 1894. A Night in Acadie. Chicago, 1897. Rose Terry Cooke The Deacon's Week: a Story. Boston, 1885. [Also in The Sphinx's Children. 1886.] Happy Dodd; or, She Hath Done What She Could. Boston, 1878. 1 887 Huckleberries Gathered from New England Hills. Boston, 1891. Little Foxes. Philadelphia, 1904. No. A Story for Boys. Boston, l88o. 1886. Poems of Rose Terry. Boston, i860. 1888.