Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/638

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622 Bibliographies Christmas in Narragansett. 1884. Colonel Clipsam's Calendar. Boston, 1895. Crusoe in New York, and Other Tales. Boston, 1880. Daily Bread; a Story of a Snow Blockade. Boston, 1888. Four and Five; a Story of a Lend-a-Hand Club. Boston, 1891. Hands Off. Boston, 1895. His Level Best, and Other Stories. Boston, 1873, 1879. If, Yes, and Perhaps. Boston, 1868, 1874, 1877. The Ingham Papers. Boston, 1869. 1878. In His Name. Boston, 1873, 1877, 1888, 1889, 1901. The Man Without a Country and Other Tales. Boston, 1868. With a new Introduction, in the year of the war with Spain. Boston, 1898. New In- troduction and Notes by the Author. Boston, 1905. New edition, Boston, 1917. Numberless editions and appearances in anthologies. My Friend the Boss. A Story of Today. Boston, 1888. One Good Turn. Boston, 1893. Our New Crusade: A Temperance Story. Boston, 1875. Our Christmas in a Palace: A Traveller's Story. 1882. Philip Nolan's Friends. A Story of the Change of Western Empire. 1877, 1890, Red and White. A Christmas Story. Boston, 1887. Safe Deposit. Boston, 1895. Susan's Escort, and Others. 1897. Sybaris, and other Homes. Boston, 1869. Ten Times One is Ten. Boston, 1870, 1872, 1883, 1887, 1899. Working Men's Homes: Essays and Stories. Boston, 1874. Works. ID vols. Boston, 1898, 1901. See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap. xiii. Bret Harte A. Biography and Criticism Boynton, H. W. Bret Harte. (Contemporary Men of Letters Series.) 1903. Brooks, Noah. Bret Harte in California. Century, vol. 58. Chesterton, G. K. The Genius of Bret Harte. In Varied Types, 179-195. Erskine, J. Leading American Novelists. 1910. Howells, W. D., and others. Reminiscences of Bret Harte. Overland Monthly. Sept., 1902. Merwin, H. C. Life of Bret Harte with Some Account of the California Pioneers. Boston, 1911. Pattee, Fred Lewis. A History of American Literature Since 1870. 1915. Pemberton, T. S. Life of Bret Harte. 1903. Stoddard, C. W. Early Recollections of Bret Harte. Atlantic Monthly, 78: 673. In Exits and Entrances, 237-256. B. Works: Principal Editions. The Ancestors of Peter Atherley, and Other Tales. Leipzig, 1897. The Argonauts of North Liberty. Boston, 1888. London, 1888. Barker's Luck, and Other Stories. Boston, 1896. The Bell-Ringer at Angel's, and Other Stories. Boston, 1894. Leipzig, 1894.