Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/646

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630 Bibliographies The Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. 1886. With The Dusantes, 1898. The Christmas Wreck, and Other Stories. 1886. 1888. The Chosen Few. Short Stories. 1895. The Clocks of Rondaine, and Other Stories. 1892. The Dusantes: Sequel to The Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. 1888. Eleven Possible Cases by F. R. Stockton and Others. 1891. Fanciful Tales, edited with notes for Schools, by J. E. Langworthy, with Introduc- tion by M. E. Burt. 1894. The Floating Prince, and Other Fairy Tales. 1 88 1. 1884. The Girl at Cobhurst. 1898. The Great Stone of Sardis: a Novel. 1889, 1890. The Home. Frank R. Stockton and Marian Stockton. 1873. The House of Martha. Boston, 1891. Leipzig, 1892. Boston, 1894. New York, 1899. The Hundredth Man. 1887. John Gayther's Garden and the Stories Told Therein. 1902. Jolly Fellowship. 1880. Kate Bonnet: The Romance of a Pirate's Daughter. 1902. 1905. The Lady or The Tiger? and Other Stories. 1884, 1885 [2 eds.], 1899. The Late Mrs. Null. 1886, 1891. The Merry Chanter. 1890. Mrs. Cliff's Yacht. 1896. My Favorite Novelist: Entertaining Papers by Prank R. Stockton, Mrs. Burton Harrison, and Paul Bourget. Cleveland, Ohio. 1908. Personally Conducted. 1889. Pomona's Travels. 1894. 1897. The Queen's Museum, and Other Fanciful Tales. 1906. Round-about Rambles in Lands of Fact and Fancy, 1872. 1881. Rudder Grange, 1879. Enlarged Edition, 1880, 1885, 1889, 1897, 1899. The Rudder Grangers Abroad. 1891. The Spirit of Washington: Paper Read before the Washington Association of New Jersey, February, 1895. n- ?•> ^- d- The Squirrel Inn. 1891. Stories of New Jersey. 1896. The Stories of Three Burglars. 1890. A Story-Teller's Pack. 1897. The Story of Viteau. 1884. Tales out of School. 1875, 1881. Ting-a-ling Tales. 1870. 1882. The Vizier of the Two-Horned Alexander. 1 899. The Watchmaker's Wife and Other Tales. 1893. What Might Have Been Expected. 1872, 1874, 1889. The Young Master of Hyson Hall. Philadelphia, 1900. [Originally a Serial with the title Philip Berkeley, or The Master's Gun.] Novels and Stories of Frank R. Stockton. Shenandoah Edition. 23 vols. 1899- 1904. Constance Fenimore Woolson Castle Nowhere; Lake Country Sketches. Boston, 1875. Dorothy, and Other Italian Sketches. 1896.