Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/673

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Index 657 Ultima Tkule, 40 Uncle of an Angel, 388 Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit, 350 Uncle Remus and his Friends, 350 Uncle Remus and the Little Boy, 350 UncleRemus: his Songs and his Sayings, 347, 350, 355. 357 »• Uncle Remus' s Magazine, 350 Uncle Tom's Cabin, 47, 168, 352, 401 Under the Lilacs, 402 Under the Shade of the Trees, 307 Under the Willows, 247 Union (Washington), 183 Union College, 198 Unitarian Christianity, 208 United Netherlands, The, 139 United States Literary Gazette, The, 165 United States Magazine, The, 161 United States Telegraph, The, 183 Universal Asylum and Columbian Magazine, The, 162 University of Georgia, 320, 321, 325 Up from Slavery, 324, 351 Upidee, 408 Upon the Hill before Centreville, 278, 280 Van Buren, Martin, 116, 151, 183 Vance, Zebulon Eaird, 318, 320 Vanderbilt University, 351 n. Varuna, The, 282 Verplanck, G. C, 150, 164, 174, 400 Very, Jones, 166 Vicar of Wakefield, The, 349 Vicarious Sacrifice, The, 213 Victor of Antietam, The, 279, 281 View of the Primary Causes and Move- ments of the Thirty Years' War, A, 146 Views of Calvinism, 210 Vignaud, H., 128 village. The, 50 Village Blacksmith, The, 36 Virgil, 2, 3 Virginia, 306 Virginia Negro, The, 316 Virginians of the Valley, The, 299, 303 306 Vision of Sir Launfal, The, 251 Visit from Saint Nicholas, 241, 408 Voices of Freedom, 46 Voltaire, 126, 128, 230 Voices of the Night, 34 Vondel, 225 Voyage of the Good Ship Union, 303 Wadsworth family, the, 32 Waif, The, 35 Wait for the Wagon, 298 Waiting for News, 286 Wakefield, 24 Walden, or Life in the Woods, 12, 14 Wallace, A. R., 222 Wanted — A Man, 276, 280 VOL. II. — 42 War, 45 Ward, General, 225 Elizabeth S. P., 280, 388, 398, 401 Nathaniel, 149 Ware, Rev. Henry, 208, 397 family, the, 197 Warfield, Mrs., 305 War-Lyrics, 278 War Lyrics and Songs of the South, 299 Warner, Susan, 398 War Poetry of the South, 300 Warren, James, 105 Mercy, Otis, 104, 105 Washington, Booker T., 323-25, 326, 351 George, 116, 117, 118, 181, 182, 260 Wasp, The, 387 Watts, Isaac, 401 Way Down upon the Suwanee River, 353 Way to Arcady, The, 243 Wayland, Francis, 219 Webb, Charles Henry, 242 James Watson, 183 Weber, 353 Webster, Daniel, 50, 51, 71, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92-103, 135, 164, 207 Noah, 180, 396 Weekly Register, 188 Week on the Concord 'and Merrimack Rivers, A, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12 Weems, Parson, 104, 105 Wells, H. G., 394 Wendell, Evert Jansen, 225 Wentworth, Gov. Benning, 114 Western Monthly Magazine, The, 169 Western Monthly Review, The, 169 Western Review and Miscellaneous Magazine, The, 169 Westminster Review, The, 137, 140 West Point, 156 What Was It ?, 373, 374 Wheaton, Henry, 71, 78 Wheeler, Joseph, 291 When Evening Cometh On, 331 When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloomed, 286 When this Cruel War is Over, 285, 309 Whewell, Wm., 221 Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking, 393-94 Whitcher, Frances Mmam, 154 White, GUbert, 201 Maria (Mrs. J. R. Lowell), 246 Richard Grant, 253, 299, 303 William, 206 White Heron, A, 383 Whitman, George, 269, 271 Jeff, 263 Walter, Sr., 259 Walt, 218, 245, 258-74, 276, 277, 284, 286, 303 Sarah Helen, 60, 61