Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/9

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BOOK III {Continued)


{Note.—The pagination is continuous from Volume III)



By Edwin R. A. Seligman, Ph.D., LL.D., McVickar Professor of Political Economy in Colunjbia University.

Early Discussions. Colonial Problems. Benjamin Franklin. The Revolution. Pelatiah Webster. S. Gale. Thomas Jefferson. Alexander Hamilton. Albert Gallatin. The Early Nineteenth Century. Mathew Carey. New Topics r Labor, Land, Money, Free Trade. Henry C. Carey. Communistic Arguments. The Civil War. Tariff. Currency. Statistics. The Industrial Transition. The Disappearance of Free Lands. David A. Wells. Francis A. Walker. Henry George. The American Economic Association. Recent Writers. . 425



By Samuel Lee Wolff, Ph.D., Lecturer in English in Columbia University.

The Three Modes of American Scholarship. Colonial Learning. The Later Eighteenth Century. Ezra Stiles. The French Influence. Quesnay. Du Ponceau. John Pickering. Lorenzo DaPonte. The German Influence. Karl Beck. Karl FoUen. Americans Who Studied in Germany. Edward Everett. George Ticknor. Training and Travels. Life, Letters, and Journals. History of Spanish Literature. The Modern Language Association of America. Classical Philosophy. Cornelius Conway Felton. Theodore Dwight Woolsey. Classical Lexicography. James Hadley. George Martin Lane. Joseph Henry Allen. William Francis Allen. James Bradstreet Greenough. Frederick DeForest Allen. William Watson Goodwin. Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve. William Dwight Whitney. English Philology. Rhetoric in Harvard. Edward Tyrrel Channing. George Perkins Marsh. Richard Grant White. Fitzedward Hall. English Lexicography. Noah Webster. Joseph Emerson Worcester. Old English Studies. Thoilnas Jefferson. Virginia. Francis Andrew March. Editions of Shakespeare. Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. Henry Norman Hudson. Richard Grant White. Horace Howard Furness. Francis James Child. Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury. Writers upon Art. Charles Eliot Norton . . 444
