Page:The Canal System of England.djvu/40

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The Canal System of England.

Austria-Hungary. In Austria-Hungary no navigation Tolls are levied and the capital expended by the State in developing and improving the waterway is sunk for the common weal, and no direct interest on the invested capital is looked for.

Belgium.In Belgium the capital expended by the State during the period extending from 1875 to 1900 on the improvement and up-keep of the navigable waterways, harbours, and coasts is estimated at a total of 400,000,000 fr. (16,000,000l).

The methods adopted for improving the waterways comprise:—

In the case of canals—

Enlarging, widening, or deepening different sections;
Rebuilding or improving the locks;
Strengthening the banks, refacing and renewing stone pitchings;
Construction of quay walls for commercial purposes;
Improvement of towing-paths;
Building houses for lock and bridge keepers;
Improving the supply of water.

Fixed Tolls in Belgium.The Tolls on the navigable waterways which are under the Administration of the State are fixed by the Government in virtue of the Law of July 1st, 1865. They are levied on a scale of 0·016 fr. per ton kilometre on canalized rivers and 0·005 fr. for the canals.