Page:The Canal System of England.djvu/95

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Thwaite-Cawley Electric-haulage 46-47
Tolls, Effect of Railway Control on 53
Tolls on Bricks 53
Toll-takers, Canal Companies as 53-54
Tolls, Through 50
Ton-mile rates : average traffic 66
Trade, Export, Britain's 9
Traffic Capacity of English Canals 57-58
"Transport by Railway and Canal" 68, 70
Transport on English Waterways, Cost of 63
Transport, Cost of Railway 60
 „Water 61
 „ Economy of Water 69
Trent, River 2, 4, 8, 60
Trent and Mersey 8, 10, 16, 18, 24, 37
 „ Navigation 19, 55
Tunnels 22, 23
Tween, Charles 45
United States 64, 67
 „American Society of Engineers, Proceedings of 64
 „Buffalo 64
 „Canal Traffic in 68
 „Chicago 61-62,64
 „Erie Canal 58, 62
 „Erie Railroad Co., The 58
 „Grain Traffic between Chicago and New York 61
 „Haverford College, 61
 „ Hudson, River 62
United States, Interstate Commerce Commission Report 67
 „New York, 61-62, 64
 „State of, 58, 63
Utility of Water Transport 1
VARIATION of Freights on Through-Routes 51
WALKER, Thomas A 12
Warwick 51, 53
 „ and N. Staffs 50
Wash, The 15, 20
 „ Group, The 20
Water Transport, Cost of 61
 „Economy of 69-72
 „Utility of 1
"Waterways," Jeans 7-9, 39, 51
Waterways, Progress of English 3
 „ v. Railways 61, 64, 66
Watt 7
Wear River, The 5
Weaver River, The 5, 37
 „ Navigation, The 16-17, 23-26, 36, 42, 58
Trast, The 17
Welland, River 4, 6
Wells, Lionel B. 14-15
Weston Marsh Lock 17
 „ Point 17
Wey, River 4
Williams, Sir E. Leader 37
Wilts 50
Witham, River 3-4
Wolverhampton 7
 „ Locks 51
Worcester 51
Worsley 7-8
Wye, River 4
York 19
Yorkshire 5