Page:The Cannery Boat.pdf/219

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“Yes, but things are moving. I reckon the time’s coming mighty soon when their eyes will be opened.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re not right. F’rinstance——

He puts his mouth close to the other’s ear and whispers something. The other’s eyes widen with surprise. “Honest?” he asks.

“Honest.” The two stop talking as some passengers pass behind them.

Above their heads flies an aeroplane, firing a salute.

“What, d’ye mean to tell me the impostor’s even got an aeroplane to see him off?”

The two look up.


“Phew, phew,” a short deep whistle blows.


“Banzai for our leader!”

“Banzai for the Imperial Federation of Labour!”

All the workers on shore wave their flags.

The steamer, towed by a little tug, starts gradually to move away from the stone pier. Coloured streamers flutter in the breeze.

Akaji Akai, still leaning over the railings, surveys the surging crowd of workers and the police cordon. When the whistle blows for the third time he takes off his silk hat and waves it aloft.

“Banzai for the Japanese Empire!”

The liner, now a tiny speck, can be seen leaving a trail of smoke behind it. Night is approaching, bringing with it a lonely, deserted feeling.