Page:The Carcanet.djvu/253

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eath 1

Have you felt a spouse expiring— In your arms—before your view?

Watch'd the lovely soul retiring, From her eyes that broke on you.

Did not grief then grow romantic, Raving on remembered bliss;

Did you not with fervour frantic, Kiss the lips that felt no kiss 1

Yes, but when you had resign'd her, Life and you were reconcil'd;

Anna left, she left behind her, One, one dear, and only child !

But before the green moss peeping His poor mother's grave array'd

In that grave the infant sleeping, On the mother's lap was laid.

Horror then your heart congealing, Chill'd you with intense despair; Can you call to mind the feeling ? No, there was no feeling there !

From that gloomy trance of sorrow When you woke to pangs unknown;

How unwelcome was the morrow, For it rose on you alone.