Page:The Catalpa Expedition (1897).djvu/159

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Once more the element of good luck had manifested itself, this time at a most critical point. On Saturday morning, April 15, Captain Anthony finally telegraphed: —

"I shall certainly sail to-day. Suppose you will leave for York Sunday morning. Good-by."

Straightway the answer came back:—

Your telegram received. All right. Glad you got off without damage. Au revoir.

J. Collins.

Captain Anthony reported at the custom-house that he was ready for sea, and the officers came off and prodded the hold and every dark space with spears, according to custom, to see if any prisoners were stowed away. At two o'clock in the afternoon a moderate favoring breeze from the S. S. W. was blowing. Anchor was hoisted, and with all sail set the Catalpa slipped up the coast bound for Rockingham.