Page:The Catalpa Expedition (1897).djvu/174

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he was getting a cargo of timber ready for the Georgette."

"When is the Georgette coming?" asked the captain with eagerness.

"Why, she's coming now," he replied. "You can see her smoke."

There in the offing the captain saw the smoke of the steamer, and he began to realize that the situation was growing critically perilous.

At this moment there was a rattle of wheels, and Captain Anthony saw a two-wheeled trap, drawn by a horse on the gallop, coming up the beach toward him.

Brennan was driving, and he had the luggage of the party. He had lost his way, and had led his horse through the brush until he reached the beach. There he saw the men and the boat and drove his horse on the run toward them.

"Who is that man?" asked Brennan, as he came up and saw the stranger.

"He's a prisoner here and working on that jetty," replied the captain.

"We must shoot him," said Brennan.

"There will be no shooting yet," said the captain. "Where are the others? "

"Close behind," said Brennan, and he commenced unloading valises and bags belonging to Breslin, King, and Desmond.

Next King came up on horseback. The situation was explained to him, and he rode back to urge his comrades on.