Page:The Catalpa Expedition (1897).djvu/34

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being discharged from the militia in Kinsale—the City of Cork Artillery.

Are you aware whether he had any connection with the Fenian conspiracy? If so, what was that connection?—He was connected with the Fenian Society as a centre, which means a colonel of it.

After you were enrolled as a Fenian, did Geary give you any particular instructions for your guidance after you were enrolled?—Yes.

State what they were.

Prisoner. I object to that.

The Prosecutor (Col. Lane Fox) contended that the instructions the witness received for the carrying out of the conspiracy were not hearsay, and quoted an authority in support of that view.

Deputy Judge-Advocate. This is a statement of a third party in the absence of the prisoner.

Prisoner. I object to any instructions given by Geary. The witness can state what he did in consequence of any such instructions; but any instructions given behind my back, without my knowledge, I object to.

The court was cleared, and on being reopened it was announced the question was not to be put.

Examination by the prosecutor. You say you received particular instructions for your guidance from Geary. State what you did in consequence. — I got instructions from Geary regarding the oath. I was warned three weeks before I came up to the barracks to enroll men. I was called before the meeting for not going up to the barracks.