Page:The Catalpa Expedition (1897).djvu/51

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When were you sworn in?—In May, 1864.

Did you bring the letter from Crowley with you in June when you came to Cork?—I did not.

Did you see Crowley from the time you left Kinsale until you saw him in 1865 in Cork?—No.

When did you get the letter from Crowley, and where?—I did not get it at all.

Were you acting for the Fenian Society in Cork in 1864?—Yes. At the latter end of 1864 I attended a meeting at Geary's, the first meeting I did attend. That was in the latter part of December.

Was Geary at that meeting?—He was; I was speaking to him.

Was that the first time you spoke to him?—I don't think it was. About a week before he sent Mr. Bryan to me, and Geary then told me to attend a meeting on that night week. I was speaking to Geary in the beginning of December, or at the end of November, 1864.

Did you not swear yesterday that you never saw Geary till 1865,—which is true?—I don't think I swore that on yesterday.

Prisoner. I would ask to have the witness's evidence of yesterday read.

President. This particular portion.

The evidence of the witness on this point was referred to, and it appeared from it that Warner had stated that he did not see Geary in 1864 for the first time.

The prisoner then said he had no other question to ask Warner.