Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/205

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PETRIDES Valladolid, 1913. Member of the College of Doctors of the Faculty of Theology, Pontifical University of Salamanca. . Collaborator m: " Diotionnaire apolo- gStique" (by Father P(5rez Goyena: "Affaire Ferrer"); "Enciclopedia Universal Uustrada"; contributor to; "Lectura Dominical"; editor of: "Mensajero del Corazon de Jesus" (Bilbao); "Bandera de la In- maculada" (Salamanca). ARTICLES: Maldonado, Juan; Martin t Gabcia, Lots; MoLiNos, Miguel de; Nierembehq y Otin, Juan Eusbbio; RiPALDA, Juan Martinez de; Ruiz de Montoya, Diego; SuAREz, Francisco; Toledo, FEANCiaoua; ToRKEa, Francisco; Vasquez, Gabriel. Pernin, Very Reverend Francois Marie Raphael, o.s.r.s., b. at Pierre-en-Bresse, France, 18.51. Education: Preparatory Seminary at Plom- biSres and Seminary at Dijon, France. Ordained 1876; vicar of Beaune, France, 1876-1883; entered the Order of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales 1883; director. College of St. Bernard, Troyes, France, 1883-1891; missionary in Troyes, Nice, and Grasse, France, 1891-1909; professor of moral theology. Oblate scholasticate, Albano-Laziale, and provincial of the Latin Province, Italy, 1909-. . Author of: "Manuel du Jeune Homme, d'apres St. Francois de Sales" (1885); "Jeanne d'Arc k Troyes" (1893); "Pens6es de la V^n^rable Mere Marie de Sales Chappuis" (1896); "Directoire spirituel pour les prfttres" (1896); "Le Tres R(5vi5rend Pere Brisson" (1906); editor of "Les Annales Sal&iennes" (since 1888). ARTICLES: Francis de Sales, Saint; Jane Frances de Chaot-al, Saint; Visitation Order. Penier, Abbe Philippe, s.t.d., d.c.l., b. at Saint- Valentin, Province of Quebec, 1870. Educa- tion: schools of the Christian Brothers; Preparatory and Grand Seminaries, Montreal; further studies in Rome. Ordained 1896; professor of philosophy and canon law. Preparatory Seminary (1899-1901) and Grand Seminary (1901-1903), Montreal; vice- chancellor, diocese of Montreal, 1903-1906; inspector of Catholic schools, and professor of canon law, Laval University, Montreal, 1906-1912; rector at St. Lambert, P. Q., 1912-1915; rector at Saint-Enfant J&us, Montreal, 1916- . One of the theologians of Monsignor Sbaretti, First Plenary Council of Quebec; has travelled in England, France, and Belgium in the interests of education. Member of the Society for the Preservation of the French Language of Canada; president of the Popular Social School. One of the directors and contributor to "Revue Canadienne"; contributor to: "Le Devoir"; "L'Enseignement primaire"; "Revue pfidagogique". ARTICL&S: Schools: Canada. Peterson, Right Reverend John Bertram, a.b., Ph.D., b. at Salem, Massachusetts, 15 July, 1871. Education: grammar and high schools, Salem; St. Mary's College, Van Buren, Maine; St. Anselm's College, Manchester, New Hampshire; St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Mass.; CathoUc Institute, Paris; further historical studies in Rome. Ordained 1899; professor of Church history and liturgy (1901-1907), professor of moral theology (1907- ), and rector (1911- ), St. John's Seminary, Brighton; defender of the marriage bond (1907-1912) ; synodal examiner (1909- ), judge of the matrimonial court (1912- ), and moderator of ecclesiastical conferences (1912- ), archdiocese of Boston. Domestic Pre- late, 1914. ARTICLES: jEons; Alexander V, VII, VIII, Popes; Apel- LES, Gnostic; Apiarius of Sicca; Attila; Apostolic Church Ordinance; Apostolic Constitutions; Apostolic Fathers; Athenagoras; Bacchylus; Bachiarius; Baldachinum of the Altar; Baptismal Font; Baronius, Cesare, Venerable; Barin, Ecclesiastical; Bassianus, Bishop of Ephesus; Benedict XII; Beyerlinck, Lawrence; Bigne, Marguerin DE la; Boniface I and II, Popes; Bralion, Nicolas de; Branch Sunday; Burse; Buskins; Canopy; Capsa; Pistoia, Synod of.

Petit, Most Reverend Louis, a.a., d.d^ Arch- bishop of Athens, Greece, b. at Viuz-la-Chi6saz, Haute-Savoie, France, 21 February, 1868. Educa- tion: Notre IDame des Chateaux, near Albertville, and Clairmarais, Pas-de-Calais, France; Assumption- ist scholasticate, Osma, Spain; further studies in Rome. Entered the Order of Augustinians of the Assumption 1880; ordained 1891; former professor at Notre Dame des Chateaux, near Albertville, and Clairmarais, Pas-de-Calais; professor. Oriental Semi- nary, Phanaraki, Constantinople, 1893-1894; superior, Assumptionist Convent, Toulouse, France, 1894r-1895; superior, Assumptionist scholasticate, Kadi-Keui, Constantinople, 1895-1908; superior of Assumption- ist Missionaries in the Orient 1903; member of General Chapter of his order 1906-1912; engaged in research work in the Propaganda and Vatican Archives, Rome, 1908-1911; assistant general of his order 1911-1912; Archbishop of Athens and Apostolic Delegate to Greece, 1912- . Organized the Assumptionist scholasticate and founded the Library, Kadi-Keui, Constantinople; founded the "Echos d'Orient", 1897; originated the idea of recasting and publishing in separate monographs Le Quien, "Oriens christianus"; made two trips of scientific exploration to Mt. Athos, 1901, 1905; visited a number of the great hbraries of Europe for purposes of research, 1908; theologian and consultor, Council of Armenian Catholics, Rome, 1911. Member of the Greek Syllogus of Constantinople; member of Russian ArohsEological Institute of Pera. Author of: "Les confr^ries musulmanes" (Paris, 1899); "Vie et office de Michel Malfiinos et traits ascfitique de Basile le Mal6inote" (Paris, 1903); "Actes de I'Athos": 1. "Actes de X6nophon" (St. Petersburg, 1903); 2. "Actes de Pantocrator" (St. Petersburg, 1906); 3. "Actes d'Esphigmfoou" (St. Petersburg, 1906); 4. "Actes de Chilandar" (St. Petersburg, 1911); "Vie et office de Saint Euthyme le Jeune" (Paris, 1904); "Typicon de Gr^goire Pacourianos pour le monastSre de Baehkovo" (St. Petersburg, 1904); "Vie de Saint Athanase I'Athonite" (Brussels, 1906); "Serborum per Hungariam constitutorum ordinationes ecclesi- asticae" (Paris, 1906); "Acta dissidii ecclesiastici graeoo-bulgarici" (Paris, 1911); "Recueil des inscrip- tions chr^tiennes de I'Athos", in collaboration with G. Millet and J. Pargoire, Fascicule XCI, "BibUo- thdque des ^coles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome" (Paris, 1904); editor and contributor, with Martin, of Mansi, "Amplissima coUectio conciliorum" (by Archbishop Petit: Vols. XL, XLI, XLII, XLV, XLVI; parts of Vols. XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX) (Paris, 1900- ); collaborator in: Vacant-Mange- not, " Dictionnaire de theologie catholique"; Baudril- lart, "Dictionnaire d'histoire et de g^ographie eccMsiastiques"; Cabrol-Leclercq, "Dictionnaire d'ar- ch^ologie chr^tienne et de Uturgie"; F&on-Vrau's "Contemporains"; contributor to: "Revue de r Orient chr^tien"; "Analecta BoUandiana"; "Byzan- tinische Zeitschrif t " ; "Vizantiiskii Vremennik"; "Bulletin de I'Institut Arch^ologique Russe de Constantinople"; "Echos d'Orient". ARTICLES: Banjaluka; Barca; Benda; Berenice; Bb- rissa; Bercea; Birtha; Bodone; Bubastis; Busiris; Byllis; Delcus; Durazzo, Archdiocese of. Petrides, Reverend Sophrone (Sophronb Ra- bois-Bousqubt), A.A., b. at Saint-L^on d'Issigeac, France, 24 June, 1864, d. at Kadi-Keui, Asia Minor, 18 April, 1911. Education: Preparatory Seminary, Bergerac; Grand Seminary, P6rigueux, France, Professor 1883-1887; entered the order of Augustin- ians of the Assumption 1887; professor in Assump- tionist colleges and seminaries successively in France, Bulgaria, and Turkey, 1889-1899; ordained 1896; became priest of the Greek Rite 1897; associate edi- tor of "Echos d'Orient", and professor of hturgy. Seminary of Kadi-Keui, Asia Minor, 1899-1911.