Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/244

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lotte, France, 15 December, 1870. Education: pub- lic school, St. Maurice-sur-Moselle, France; School of Pierre de Chaillot, and Seminary of St. Nicholas du Chardonnet, Paris; Seminary of St. Sulpice, Issy, France; Lazarist scholasticate, Paris; St. Thomas College, Rome; further studies in Rome, winning a medal for Syriac. Entered the Congregation of the Mission 1893; ordained 1896; professor of Sacred Scripture, Hebrew, and Church history. Seminary of St. Flour, Cantal, France, 1898-1903; professor of dogma (1903-1905) and of Holy Scripture, and He- brew (1903- ), lecturer on Christian art and archseology, hbrarian, Kenriok Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. Author of: "De I'lnspiration" (1902); "Les Psaumes, traduction frangaise" (1903); "Es- say on the Metre of the Psalms", thesis for doctor- ate (1912); contributor to French and American pe- riodicals.

ARTICLES: Aaron; Altar (in Scripture) ; Animals in the Bible; Ark; Baal, Baalim; Carri£;res, Louis de; Court (in Scripture); Dagon; Dancing; Dietenberger, Johann; Dis- ciple; Dreams, Interpretation of; Elias; Elizabeth; Eb- DRAs; Evangelist; Fibst-Bobn; First-Fruits ; Fringes; Geog- raphy, Biblical; Haggith; Hammurabi; Herbst, Johann Georg; Hethites; Houbigant, CHARLES-FRANgois; Idumea; ISAiAS; Joachim; John the Baptist, Saint; Joseph, Saint; Leprosy; Nabuchodonosor; Nahum; Names, Hebrew; Neph- TALi; Offerings (Oblations) ; Olivet, Mount; Ophir; Para- sceve; Patmos; Pentapolis; Pentecost (of the Jews), Feast of; Phabga; Pisidia; Plants in the Bible; Pools in Scripture; Purim; Rabbi and Rabbinism; Sanhedrin; Sichem; Stephen, Saint; Stones, Precious, in the Bible; Tabernacle in Scrip- ture; Tabernacles, Feast of; Vatable, Francois; Vercel- LONE, Carlo; Verecundub; Villapandus, Juan Bautista; Walton, Brian.

Spahn, Mabtin, Ph.D., b. at Marienburg, Prus- sia, 7 March, 1875. Education: Gymnasia at Marienburg, Bonn, and Berlin, Germany; Universi- ties of Bonn, Berhn, and Innsbruck. Lecturer in modern history. University of Berlin, 1898-1901; special professor of modern history. University of Bonn, 1901; professor of modern history. University of Strassburg, 1901- . Member of the Scientific Society of Strassburg. Author of: "Verfassungs- imd Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Herzogtums Pom- mem" (1896); "Johannes Cochlaus" (1898); "Ak- ten und Urkunden zur Geschichte des Kurfiirstes Friedrich WiUielm von Brandenburg" (1899): "Philipp Veit" (1901); "Der grosse Kurfursf' (1901, 7th thousand 1912); "Leo XIII" (1905); "Ernst Lieber" (1906); "Michelangelo und die Six- tinische Kapelle" (1907); "Das deutsche Zentrum" (1907); "Der Kampf um die Schule" (1907); "Auf dem Wege zur Finanzreform" (1910); "Nationale Erziehung und Konfessionelle Schule" (1912); con- tributor to: "Hochland"; "Zeitschrift fur Politik"; "Deutsche Rundschau".

ARTICLES: Andlaw, Heinrich Bernhard, Freiheer von; Bulla Aurea; Charles V, Emperor; Congresses, Catholic; Germany (15.56-1871; the New German Empire); Holy Alli- ance; Jarcke, Karl Ernst; Kulturkampf; Lieber, Ernst Maria; Prussia; Radowitz, Joseph Maria von; Thirty Years War, The; Tilly, Johannes Tserclabs, Count of; Wallen- STEiN, Albrecht von; Windthorst, Ludwig.

Spalding, Reverend Henry S., s.j., b. at Bards- town, Kentucky, 1865. Education: St. Joseph's College, Bardstown; St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, Kansas; St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1884; ordained 1899; professor of humanities, Creighton University, Omaha, Ne- braska, 1901; vice-president, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1902-1907; lecturer on medi- cal jurisprudence (1907-1912) and director of Affili- ated Colleges (1907- ), Loyola University, Chicago, superior of Loyola Academy, Chicago, 1912- . Member of the Catholic Writers' Guild, Chicago; member of the Wisconsin Historical Society. Author of: "The Cave by the Beech Fork" (New York, 1902); "The Sheriff of the Beech Fork" (New York, 1903); "The Race for

Copper Islands" (New York, 1905); "The Marks of the Bear Claws" (New York, 1908); "Life of Marquette" (New York, 1909); "Old Mill on the Withrose" (New York, 1910); "The Sugar Camp and After (New York, 1912). ARTICLE: Marquette, Jacques.

Spillane, Reverend Edward P., s.j., b. in New York, 19 November, 1859. Education: public and parochial schools. College of the City of New York, and St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; Wood- stock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; instructor, Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland, 1883-1885; instructor, Gon- zaga College, Washington, D. C, 1885-1888; or- dained 1891; professor of rhetoric (1892-1893) and prefect of studies and disciphne and vice-president (1893-1895), St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; has also held the post of professor at Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts, Holy Cross College, Worces- ter, Massachusetts, and St. Joseph's College, Phil- adelphia, Pennsylvania; associate editor of "The Messenger", New York, 1907-1909; associate editor of "America", New York, 1909-1913; again sta- tioned at St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1913- . Author of: "Life and Letters of Henry Van Rensselaer" (New York, 1908).

ARTICLES: Anderdon, William Henry; Anderson, Pat- rick; ARGtiELLO, Luis Antonio; Aubbry, Joseph; Avancini, Nicola; Ayll6n, Lucan VAsquez de; Backer, Augustin de; Bacon, Nathaniel; Bailloquet, Pierre; Barbelin, Felix- Joseph; Bartoli, Daniello; Baudouin, Michel; Bazin; John Stephen; Beschefer, Theodore; Beste, Henry Digby; Bien- ville, Jban-Baptiste Le Moyne; Brady, William Maziere; Bressani, Francesco Giuseppe; Browne, Charles Fakrah; Burnett, Peter Hardeman; Butbux, Jacques; (IJabral, Francisco; Camel, George Joseph; Carayon, Augusts; Carheil, Etienne de; Casot, Jean-Jacques; Chabanel, Noel; Chardon, Je an-B aptiste ; Charlevoix, Francois- Xavibr; Chastbllain, Pierre; Cholonec, Pierre; Coquart, Claude- Godeproi; Cordaha, Giulio Cesare; (IJrawford, Francis Marion; Cri&pieul, Franqois de; Dablon, Claude; Daniel, Anthony; Dawson, ^neas McDonnell; Detr^, William; DfAZ, Pedro; Dobrizhoffer, Martin; Doutreleau, Stephen; Dubois, Jban-Antoine; Ducrue, Francis Bennon; Eckart, Anselm; Finotti, Joseph; Fisher, Philip; Shea, John Dawson Gilmary; Thimelby, Richard.

Spitz, Reverend Maternus, o.s.b., b. at Epfig, Lower Alsace, Germany, 24 February, 1872. Edu- cation: Episcopal Gymnasium, Strassburg, and Benedictine Abbey, Beuron, Germany; Benedictine College, Sarnen, Switzerland; St. 'Thomas Abbey, Erdington. Entered the Beuron Congregation of the Benedictine Order 1893; ordained 1899; sacristan (1897-1908), librarian and lector of ecclesiastical and monastic history (1898-1901), and assistant parish priest (1904- ), St. Thomas Abbey, Erdington. Has travelled in Switzerland, Germany, and England. Member of the Institute for the Pursuit of Mission- ary Science; member of the International Commis- sion for the Promotion of Missionary Educational Affairs. Collaborator in "Kirchliches Handlexikon " ; contributor to: "Illustrated Catholic Missions"; "Tablet"; "Ave Maria"; various English and Ger- man newspapers. ARTICLE: Siam, Vicariate Apostolic of.

Stace, Francis A., lawyer, b. at Lewes, Sussex, England, 7 June, 1834, brother of Professor Arthur Joseph Stace. Education: grammar school, Lewes. Became a Catholic 1849; emigrated to Canada 1851; became surveyor and civil engineer; went to Michi- gan 1858; teacher, Catholic School, Marshall, Michi- gan, 1858-1861; admitted to the Bar 1863; succes- sively in partnership with Judge Miner, late of the Supreme Court of Utah, and J. C. Fitzgerald; mar- ried Margaret M. McMahon 1863; has filled the posts of Justice of the Peace, City Engineer, and City Attorney, Marshall, Michigan; moved to Grand Rapids, 1887; legal adviser to Bishop Richter, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1891-1916. Has lectured