Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/261

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Vacandard, Vert Reverend Canon Elph^gb, S.T.D., b. at Uelleville, Seine-Inf6rieure, France, 10 April, 1849. Education: College of Aumale and Grand Seminary of Rouen, France. Ordained 1873; has held the posts of president of the Academy of Rouen, vicar at the Churches of St. Nicasius and St. Patrick, Rouen; chaplain of the Corneille Lyceum, Rouen, 1877- ; canon of the Cathedral of Rouen; Officer of Public Instruction. Author of: "Vie de Saint Bernard", crowned by the French Academy; "Saint Ouen"; "Saint Viotrice"; "L'Inquisition , "Etudes de critique et d'histoire reUgieuse", 2 vols.

ARTICLE: Arnold of Brebcia.

Vaccon, Reverend Augustb, s.j., s.t.d., b. at St. Clement, Lorraine, France, 3 May, 1848. Educa- tion: Preparatory Seminary at Pont-4-Mousson, and College of St. Aoheul at Amiens, France. Entered the Society of Jesus 1869; ordained 1881; at various times professor of grammar and philosophy, Jesuit Colleges, Boulogne-sur-Mer, St. Amand-les-Eaux, and Cambrai, France; for many years preacher ia various French dioceses; at present, director of Retreats for Priests and Laymen and of the Apostle- ship of Prayer, Amiens. Author of "Vie de Henri de Mauduit du Plessis"; contributor to various periodi- cals.

ARTICLE: Tarisel, Pierre.

Vailhe, Reverend SiMiioN, a.a., writer, b. at Lunel, H&ault, France, 19 July, 1873. Education: Assumptionist Schools, Livry, France, Fanaraki, Asia Minor, and Jerusalem; St. Stephen's BiWical School, Jerusalem. Entered the Order of Augustini- ans of the Assumption 1890; ordained 1897; professor alternately of Church history and Sacred Scripture, Assumptionist Convent, Kadi-Keui, Constantinople, 1897-1911; stationed in Rome 1911- . Member of the Russian Archseological Institute of Constanti- nople. Collaborator in: Vacant, " Dictionnaire de th^ologie cathoUque"; Baudrillart, "Dictionnaire d'histoire et de gdographie eccl^siastiques"; contribu- tor to: " Bessarione " ; "Revue de 1' Orient chrdtien"; "Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Vizantizkii Vremen- nik"; "Theologische Revue"; associate editor of "Echos d'Orient" (since 1897).

ARTICLES: BALANiSA; Barballibsos; Babilinopolis; Beirut; Bobtra; Bothryb; Brusa; Byblob; Cebabea; C^ba-


Cambysopolis; Canatha; Canopus; Capharnaum; Capitolias; Capsa; Carrh.b; Cbrasub; Chalsis; Chrysopolib; Constanti- nople; CoPTOs; CoRYCus; Cribium; Curubib; Cyrrhub; Cyzicub; Damabcus; Damietta; Dioc^barea; Dora; Dory- L/eum; Edebsa; Eletjthehopolib; Eluba; Emeba; Emmaus; Eperies, Diocese of; Ephesus; Epiphania; Erythr^; Erzehum, Diocese of; Euaria; Etjropub; Famagubta; Flavias; Flavi- opolib; Fogarab, Archdiocese of; Fuhni; Fubsola; Gabala; Gadara; Gangra; Gargaha; Gaza; Gerasa; Germanicia; Germanicopolib ; Gehmia; Gerrha; Gezireh; Gibail and Batrum; Gindarus; Girba; Gordob; Gortyna; Gratianopolib; Greek Church; Hauara; Hierapolib (2); Himeria; Ibora; Iconium; Ionopolib; Ipsds; Irenopolib; Isaac of Armenia; Ibaura; Ibionda; Ispahan; Ibbus; Jaffa; Jasdub; Jabsy, Diocese of; Juliopolis; Jubtinianopolis; Kerkuk, Diocese of; Kharput; Lares; Laribba; Legio; Lemberg; Leontopolib; Lepanto; Leptib Magna; Le Quien, Michel; Leros; Lebbi; LlviAS; Lorea; Lugos, Diocese of; Lycopolib; Lydda; Lystra; Marash; Marcianopolis; Marcopolis; Mardin; Mahonia; Martyhopolib; Mater; M aximianopolis ; Maximopolis; Medea; Megara; Melitene; Melos; Mesopotamia, Kurdis- tan, and Armenia, Delegation Apostolic of; Mebsene; Metropolis; Milevum; Milopotamds; Mopsuestia; Mobsul; Mosynoupolib; Mush; Myrina; Myriophytum; Neoc^barea (2); Nbte; Nioea; Nicomedia; Nicopolis (3); Nicosia,

Titular Archdiocese of; Nilopolis; Nisibis; Notiti.® Epis- copatuum; Olenub; Ombus; Ohopub; Orthosia; Ostracina; OxYRYNCHUs; PALMYRA; Paltub; Pangpolib; Paphos; Paralub; Parium; Paltras; Pella; Pelubium; Pentacomia; Pergamus; Petra; Phacuba; Pharb.etus; Phahbalus; Philippi; Philip-


Ramatha; Rhodes; Salmas; Samaria; Samos; Samobata; Sardes; Sardica; Sarepta; Scythopolib; Sebabtia; Sebhth; Sehna, Diocese of; Seleucia Pibria; Seleucia Trach.ea; Sergiopolib; Sidon, Melchite and Maronite See; Sinope; Sionia; Smyrna, Latin Archdiocese of; Sophene; Sozuba; Sparta; Stauropolib; Syha, Diocese of; Tanib; Tarsus; Tenedos; Tentyrib; Termesbus; Thabos; Thebes (2); The- lepte; Themiscyra; Thbnnesus; Theodobiopolib; Thera, Diocese of; Thermopylae; Thebbalonica; Theveste; Thugga; Thyatiha; Thyniab; Tiberias; Ticelia; Tinos and Mykonob; Tipaba; Titopolis; Tiub; Tomi; Tbajanopolis; Thalles; Trebizond, Diocese of; Tremithus; Tricca; Thicomia; Tripoli, Prefecture Apostolic of; Tripolib; Thoab; Tyana; Tyre; Uranopolib; Urmiah; Utica; Valona; Zahle and Forzol; Zakho; Zama; Zela; Zenonopolib; Zeugma; Zoara.

Vallee-Foussin, Charlbs-Jean de la, Professor of Mathematical Analysis, University of Louvain.

ARTICLE : Vall^e-Poubbin, Charles-Louis-Jobeph-Xavieb de la.

Valluet, Reverend Lotjis, m.s.p.s., b. 13 April, 1869. Education: College of Evian-les-Bains, Swit- zerland; Seminary of Annecy, France. Entered the Congregation of Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales of Annecy; ordained 1892; assistant, Church of the Immaculate Conception, Devizes, England, 1892- 1897, and St. Adhekn's Church, Mahnesbury, England, 1897-1903; rector. Church of the Holy Ghost, Yeovil, England, 1903-1907, and Church of the Immaculate Conception, Devizes, 1907-

ARTICLE: Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales of Annecy.

Van Baars, Right Reverend James John Ambrose, o.p., b. at Tiel, Holland, 6 April, 1854; d. at Rotterdam, Holland, 25 March, 1910. Educa- tion: primary school, Tiel, St. Dominic's College, Nijmegen, and Dominican Convent, Huissen, Hol- land. Professed in the Dominican Order 1873; ordained 1879; former professor of humanities^ St. Dominic's College, Nijmegen, HoUand; successively missionary in Curagao, curate of the parishes of Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Noord, and Playa, Island of Aruba, and rector of the cathedral, Curagao, West Indies, 1881-1897; pro-vicar ApostoUc of Curagao 1895-1897; vicar Apostohc of Curasao and titular Bishop of Teuchira 1897-1910; returned to Holland 1909. Active in the cause of Catholic education in Curasao; built six churches and several schools in Curagao; founded a popular paper in the dialect of Curacao. Member of the School Board of Curagao; Knight of the Royal Order of the Dutch Lion.

ARTICLE: Curacao, Vicariate Apostolic of.

Van Cleef, Augustus, b. in New York, 1851. Education: private schools in New York, Flushing, Long Island, and Dresden, Germany; School of Mines, Columbia College, New York; further studies in Paris; advised by Gustave Dor6 in matters relating to art. Successively assistant State Geologist of Arkansas, United States Consul at Barbadoes, West Indies, and La Guayra, Venezuela, writer and draughtsman on the "Scientific American" Supple- ment, New York, art critic and in charge of the department of music and drama, "New York