Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/273

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Edmund" (1903); "St. Edmund's College Chapel" (1903); "Catholic London a Century Ago" (1905); "Dawn of the Catholic Revival in England" (1909); "The Eve of Catholic Emancipation" (1912); "The Sequel to Cathohc Emancipation" (1915).

ARTICLES: Advertisements, Book of; Aelnoth; Allen, William, Cardinal; Authorized Version; Baines, Peter Augustine; Benedictus; Bbrington, Charles; Berington, Joseph; Butler, Alban; Butler, Charles; Cana; Carvajal, LuiSA de; Cisalpine Club; Corporation Act op 1661; Douai, Town and University of; Douat Bible; Erastus and Erastianism; Establishment, The; Flanagan, Thomas; Griffiths, Thomas; Martiall, John; Martin, Gregory; MiLNER, John; Oakeley, Frederick; Old Chapter; Oliver, George; Oxenham, Henry Nutcombe; Plowden, Francis; Poynter, William; Saint Omer, College of; Talbot, James; Taunton, Ethelred; Ullathorne, William Bernard.

Ward, Sister Mart Elizabeth, b. at Montreal, Canada, 4 June, 1845. Education: Model School of the Congregation of Notre Dame, Montreal. Entered the Congregation of Grey Nuns 1863; pro- fessed 1865; teacher, Grey Nuns Parochial School (1866-1881) and superior of the Grey Nuns Parochial School and Orphan Asylum (1881-1892), Providence, Northwest Territory, Canada; mistress of novices (1892-1897) and assistant to the superior general (1897-1915), General Hospital of the Grey Nuns, Montreal; local superior of the Mother House of the Grey Nuns, Montreal, 1915; provincial superior of the American Province, resident at Holy Ghost Hos- pital, Cambridge, Mass., 1916- . Foundress with four others of the Parochial School and Orphan Asylum of the Grey Nuns, Providence, Northwest Territory, 1866; delegate to the Grey Nuns General Chapter, Montreal, 1892.

ARTICLE: Grey Nuns.

Warichez, Reverend Joseph, d. sc. m. h., b. at Enghien, Belgium, 10 September, 1870. Education: primary school and Episcopal CoUege, Enghien; semi- naries at Bonne EspSrance, and Tournai, and Louvain University, Belgium. Ordaiaed 1894; professor of the history of diplomatics, Superior Commercial and Consular School of Hainaut, 1901- ; archi- vist of the cathedral, Tournai, 1905- . Laureate of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres of France, 1911. Member of the Association of Former Members of the Seminary of History of Louvain; member of the Historical and T^chseological Society of Tournai; member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Archeology. Author of: "Les origines de I'Eglise de Tournai" (Louvain, 1902); "Le Pasteur d'Her- mas: un nouveau manuscrit de I'ancienne version latine" (Louvain, 1905); "L'abbaye de Lobbes depuis les engines jusqu'en 1200" (Tournai, 1909); "Une Vendetta au XIV° siecle" (Tournai, 1909); "Une 'descriptio villarum' de I'Abbaye de Lobbes k I'^poque carolingienne" (Brussels, 1909); "Tribu- lations de deux tableaux de P. P. Rubens" (Tournai, 1910); "Les deux derniers 6vSques de Tournai sous I'Ancien Regime" (Tournai, 1911); "Etat b^nfficial de la Flandre et du Toumaisis au temps de Phihppe le Bon" (Louvain, 1912); collaborator in "Biographie nationale de Belgique"; contributor to: "Mus^e beige"; "Revue d'histoire eccMsiastique"; "Bulletin de la Commission Royale d'Histoire"; "Revue Tournaisienne " ; "Jadis"; "Analeotes pour servir k I'histoire eccMsiastique de la Belgique"; "Annales de la Soci^tS Historique et Archdologique de Tour- nai".

ARTICLE: Tournai, Diocese of.

Warren, Reverend Cornelius J.,, b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 9 June, 1873. Education: St. Mary's College, North East, Pennsylvania; Re- demptorist sohol^ticate, Ilchester, Maryland. En- tered the Redemptorist Order 1894; ordained 1900; missionary 1900-1907; professor of Scripture, Mt. St. Alphonsus, Esopus, New York, 1907-1912; en- gaged in retreat and mission work, St. Mary's Mis- sion House, AimapoUs, Maryland, 1912- ARTICLES: Putzer, Joseph; Seelos, Francis X.

Warren, Kate Mart. Education: North London Collegiate School and University College, London. Former deputy lecturer in Enghsh, Bedford CoUege, London; senior lecturer and head of the English De- partment, Westfield CoUege, London, 1895- ; member of the Faculty of Arts, of the Medieval and Modern Languages Board, and of the Board of Ex- aminers, London University. Author of "Piers the Plowman," modern version of the 14th century poem (London, 1895); edited: Spenser, "The Faerie Queene", 6 vols.; "A Treasury of English Literature" (1st ed. 1 vol.; new ed. 6 vols.); contributor to: "London Daily Chronicle"; "Dublin Review", etc.

ARTICLES: Caswall, Edward; Caxton, William; D'Avbnant, Sir William; English Literature; Forrest, William; Fullerton, Lady Georgiana Charlotte; Habing- TON, William; Harrowing of Hell; Hawes, Stephen; Hawker, Robert Stephen; Henryson, Robert; Heywood, Jaspar and John; Inchbald, Elizabeth; Lydgate, John; Moralities; Occleve, Thomas; Oxenfobd, John of,

Wasmann, Reverend Erich, s.j., biologist, b. at Meran, Tyrol, Austria, 29 May, 1859. Educa- tion: Gymnasia at Meran, HaU, and Feldkiroh, Austria; Jesuit soholasticates; University of Prague. Entered the Society of Jesus 1875; ordained 1888; has spent many years in biological study and re- search; formerly stationed at Luxemburg, Luxem- burg; at present at St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, HoUand. Has participated in many zoological and entomological congresses. Member of numerous scientific societies; Ettember of the Permanent Com- mittee of International Entomological Congresses. Author of: "Der Trichterwickler" (1884); "Atemeles und Lomechusa" (1888); "Vergleichende Studien iiber Ameisengaste" (1889); " Zusammengesetzte Nester und gemischte Kolonien der Ameisen" (1891); "Kritisches Verzeiohnis der myrmekophilen und ter- mitophilen Arthropoden"(1894); "Zur neueren Ent- wicklungstheorie in Deutschland" (1896); "Instinkt und InteUigenz im Tierreich" (1897; 3rd ed. 1905); "Vergleichende Studien iiber das Seelenleben der Ameisen und der hoheren Tiere" (1897; 2nd ed. 1900) ; "Die psychischen Fahigkeiten der Ameisen" (1899; 2nd ed. 1909); "Neue Doryhnengaste " (1900); "Termiten von Ceylon" (1902); "Zur naheren Kenntnis des echten Gastverhaltnisses " (1903); "Doryhnengaste vom Kongo" (1904); "Die moderne Biologie und die Entwicklungstheorie" (1904; 3rd ed. 1906); "Menschen und Tierseele" (1904; 5th ed. 1910); "Ursprung der Sklaverei bei Ameisen" (1905- 1910); "Ameisen und Ameisengaste von Luxemburg" (1906-1909); "Kampf um das Entwicklungsproblem" (1907); "Der biologische Unterricht" (1908); "Ent- wicklungstheorie und Monismus" (1910); "Ameisen und ihre Gaste" (1911); "Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Termitophilen" (1912); contributor to scientific re- - views.

ARTICLE: Evoltition.

Watrigant, Reverend Henri Louis, s.j., b. at LiUe, France, 20 February, 1845. Education: St. Joseph's College, LiUe; Jesuit soholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1868; ordained 1880; former pro- fessor in various Jesuit colleges (10 years); founder and for a number of years in charge of the retreats for laymen; founder and, at present, librarian, Li- brary of the Exercises of St. Ignatius, Enghien, Bel- gium. Author of a number of books in the "Bib- lioth^que des Exercises" and "Collection des Re- traites"; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE: Mary de Sales Chappuis.

Waugh, Reverend Norman, b. in London, 16 February, 1867, son of Benjamin Waugh, founder of