Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/292

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Theatine Fathers Durango, Colo. Therriault, Patrick Lille, Maine Thesing, Dr. J. H Cincinnati, Ohio Thompson, Patrick H Arlington, Vt. Thornton, John S., T.S.A New York City, N. Y. Tihen, Rt. Rev. J. H Denver, Colo. Tobin, James Augusta, Ga. Tobin, John J Jamaica Plain, Mass. Tobin, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Thos. V Little Rock, Ark. Tooley, Francis Lawrence New York City, N. Y . Tracy, Rev. Henry P '. . , Livingston Manor, N. Y. Tracy, Rev. Joseph V Boston, Mass. Treunet, Rev. Gustave Anacortes, Washington Truman, James E Port Henry, N. Y. Tucker, Wm. G., Jr New York City, N. Y. Tuskoetter, F Rivera, Cal. Twohey, John Jos., M.D Buffalo, N. Y. Undeck, John P Germantown, Phila., Pa. Vaitukaitis, Rev. Francis J Chamberlain, So. Dak. Valente, Victor, D.D.S Buffalo, N. Y. Van Deventer, H. R Sumter, S. C. Van Durme, Rev. Victor Stillwater, Okla. Van Roth, Rev. Gabriel Westfield, Mass. Veazey, O. A Pratt, W. Va. Vick, John Aloysius Little Rock, Ark. Vieira, Rev. Antonio Pacheco New Bedford, Mass. Villars, Edward Carthage, N. Y. Vincent Marie, Sister Leavenworth, Kansas Virginia State Library Richmond, Va. Visitation Convent St. Paul, Minn. VoUebregt, Rev. F Saint Maries, Idaho Voss, Dr. F. J Philadelphia, Pa. Wagner, L. Cable Sidney, Ohio Wagner, Louis R Sidney, Ohio Walcher, Rev. James St. Cloud, Minn. Walker, Rev. Geo. S., O.S.A ViUanova, Pa. Walsh, Rev. Chas. L Malvern, Ohio Walsh, Alexander No. Westport, Mass. Walsh, Rev. Geo. J., Chancellor Sioux Falls, So. Dakota Walter, Very Rev. Fr., O.S.B Pueblo, Colo. Ward, Cyril B Crafton, Pa. Ward, Rev. Henry Trenton, N. J. Wardein, Rev. John B Meppen, Calhoun Co., 111. Warren, Rev. C. J., C.SS.R Annapolis, Md. Waschbusch, Miss Margaret Chicago, lU. Weber, L. B Anaheim, Cal. Weigand, Rev. Jos. A Steubenville, Ohio Weirick, Allen E '. . . Columbus, Ohio Wessling, Rev. B. H Donnelly, Minn. Wey, John & Son Cleveland, Ohio Weymouth, F. E Denver, Colo. Whalen, T. F Pittsburgh, Pa. Whelan, Rev. John J., O.M.I Del Rio, Texas Whelen, Sister M.Helena Rensselaer, N. Y. White, John J Bozeman, Mont. White, Dr. Jos. A Richmond, Va. Wicke, Rev. A. C Corydon, Ind. Wielebmski, Rev. J. M Albany, N. Y. Wiggins, Henry P Portsmouth, Ohio Wigman, J. H. M Green Bay, Wis. Wilhe, C. F Chicago, Dl. Willis, Jos. H Roxbury, Mass. Wilson, S. J McComb, Miss. Wilson, W. J., Jr Newcastle, Cal. Winchester, John S Cleveland, Ohio Wingert, Jos Milf ord, Iowa Wittak, Francis G Milwaukee, Wis. Wobum Public Library Wobiun, N. Y. Wolf, Very Rev. W Grand Island, Neb. Worley, M. D.', W.H Nodaway, Iowa Xavier Pub. Society for BUnd New York City, N. Y. Yakel, John A Baltimore, Md. YUa, Rev. E Santa Paula, Cal. Zabel, Very Rev. Francis H Alton, El. ZarriUi, Rev. J., D.D., Ph.D Duluth, Mijm. Zephiring, Brother Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Zinsmeister, Alphonse Los Angeles, Cal. Zipf , Miss Anna St. Louis, Mo. Zirbes, Rev. Louis N North Lake, Wis. Ziskovsky, Rev. A St. Paul, Mirm.