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Cabon, Vebt Reverend Adolphe, c.s.sp., b. at Quimper (France), 1 May, 1873. Education: Semin- ary of Ste. Anne d'Auray; scholasticate of the Con- gregation of the Holy Ghost, France. Ordained 1898 ; professor (1895-1909) and president (1909- ), St. Martial's College, Port-au-Prinoe, Haiti.

ARTICLE: Poht-au-Pbince, Ajrchdiocese of.

Cabrol, Right Reverend Fernand, o.s.b., b. at Marseilles, 11 December, 1855. Education: College of Marseilles, France; entered Benedictine Order 1878; ordained 1882; professor of ecclesiastical history in the Benedictine Abbey of Solesmes 1882-1890; prior of Solesmes 1890; professor of Archaeology and ecclesiastical history at the University of Angers 1890-1895; prior of Farnborough 1895-1903; abbot of Farnborough 1903. President of the French Section of the Eucharistic Congress of Westminster 1908. Honorary member of the Academy of Mdcon, France, honorary professor of the University of Angers. Author of: "Bibhographie des b^nddictins de la Congregation de France" (Solesmes; 2 ed. Paris, 1906); "Histoire du Cardinal Pitra" (Paris, 1893); "Etude sur la Peregrinatio Silviae"; "Les figlises de Jerusalem, la discipline et la hturgie du IVe siecle" (Paris, 1895); "Cours d'histoire et d'arch^ol. k I'Universite d'Angers, in the Revue des facult^s catholiques de I'Ouest"; "Le hvre de la priere antique" (Paris, 1900; 5 ed., 1910); "La priere Uturgique" (Paris, 1901-1905); "Les origines Utur- giques" (Conferences at the Catholic Institute of Paris) (Paris, 1906); "Introduction eux etudes Uturgiques" (Paris, 1907); " L' Angleterre chri^tienne avant les Normands" (Paris, 1909); contributor to: "Dictionnaire d' Apolog^tique " ; "Revue des ques- tions historiques"; editor of: "Dictionnaire d'archSo- logie chr^tienne et de hturgie".

ARTICLES : Beeviaet; Complin; Ceobs, The Tbtie, and Representations of it as Objects of Devotion; Hours, Ca- nonical; Lauds; Matins; Nocturne; None; Occurrence; OcTAVARiuM Romanum; Octave; Office, Divine; Office op THE Dead; Pax in the Liturgy; Prime; Propeium; Rubrics; Sext; Terce; Vespers; Votive Offices; Worship, Christian.

Cahill, Reverend James Augustine, S.J., b. in New York, 25 July, 1879. Education: St. Francis Xavier's School and College, New York; Jesuit scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Md.; St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England. Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; in- structor, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, 1903-1904; professor of the Freshman Class, Ford- ham University, New York, 1904-1907; professor of poetry, St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1907-1908; ordained 1911; professor of logic and general metaphysics, Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md., 1912-1913; stationed at Ancienne Abbaye, Tronchiennes, Belgium, 1913; professor of cosmology and pedagogy, Woodstock College, 1914-

ARTICLES: Schoenbeeq, Matthias von; Schradek, Clement.

Calds, Reverend Jean Marie Valentin, s.j., Litt.L., b. at Larzac, France, 6 August, 1865. Edu- cation: College of Belvfes; Preparatory Seminary, Bergerac; Seminary, P6rigueux; various Jesuit schol- asticates; CathoUc University of the West, Angers; St. Joseph's University, Beirut, Syria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1886; professor, College of Nobles, Kalksburg, Austria, 1894-1895; ordained 1898; pro- fessor of Old Testament exegesis at the Jesuit schol- asticates of Fourvieres, France (1901), and Enghien, Belgium (at present). Has made two tours of the Orient. Contributor to : "Etudes"; "Recherches de science religieuse"; "NouveUe revue th^ologique". ARTICLES: Osee; Prophecy, Prophet, and Prophetess.

Callan, Reverend Charles J., o.p., s.t.l., b. near Lockport, New York, 5 December, 1878. Education: high school, Lockport, New York; Canisius College, Buffalo; Dominican scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Entered the Dominican Order 1899; ordained 1905; formerly pro- fessor of Thomistic philosophy, Dominican scholasti- cate, Washington, D. C; at present stationed at the Church of the Holy Rosary, Hawthorne, New York. Author of (in collaboration with Thomas k K. Reilly, O.P.): "Dominican Sisters Breviary"; "Dominican Sisters Hymnal and Rubric Book"; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLES: Gotti, Vincent Louis; GonzAlez, Zeferino; Orthodoxy; Sacchoni, Rainerio; Silvester, Francis; Slo- TANus, John; Soto, Dominic; Spina, Bartolommbo; Stephen of Bourbon; Unity, Mark of the Church; Walter of Win- tehburn; William Perault; Ximenes, Didacus; Zigliara, ToMMASo Maria.

Cambier, Reverend Emeri Henri C^lestin, of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheutveld), b. at Flobeoq, Belgium, 2 Janu- ary, 1865. Education : College of Enghien ; seminaries of Bonne Esp^rance and Scheut-lez-Bruxelles. Or- dained and sent to the Congo as a missionary 1888; one of the founders of the mission of Berghe-Ste. Marie 1888; founded the following missions: New Antwerp (1890), St. Joseph of Luluaburg (1891), Merode-Salvator (1894), St. Trudo (1895), Hemp- tinne-St. Benedict (1897), and St. James-Tielen (1898); organized Kassai into a mission district 1901; first prefect ApostoHc of Upper Kassai, Belgian Congo, 1894r- ; founded successively station of St. Anthony, with almshouse at Lusambo, station of Bena-Makima-St. Victorianus, school at Ndemba, hospital at Mpangu, mission of Kanzenze, and various schools for catechumens, 1904-1909; legal representa- tive in the Congo of the Congregation of Scheut; officer of the Royal Order of the Lion. Has made three journeys to Belgium in the interests of his mission; while there made special study of tropical diseases to combat illness in his prefecture, returning with a complete equipment for a hospital for sufferers from the sleeping sickness; assisted at a session of the Commission for the Suppression of Slavery (1891); member of the Commission for the Protection of the Natives of the Congo. Author of the first grammar in the Bangala language (1890).

ARTICLE: Kassai, Phefectuee Apostolic of Upper.

Camboue, Reverend Paul, s.j., missionarv, b. in France, 22 April, 1849. Education: College of St. Joseph of Tivoh, Bordeaux; University of Paris; Jesuit scholasticates of Vals, France, and Ucks, Spain. Successively lawyer, army officer, professor, and missionary; entered the Society of Jesus 1872; ordained 1881; procurator in France of the Mission

of Madagascar; professor of the Malagasy language,