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of the Brothers of the Cross, Rimouski, Canada. Entered the Congregation of the Brothers of the Cross 1905; successively teacher at the Novitiate of the Brothers of the Cross, Rimouski, and (at present) teacher and director at the Brothers' School, St. Pierre Jolys, Manitoba.

ARTICLE: Cross of Jesus, Beothehs of the.

Chatte, Very Reverend Canon P. M., b. in the diocese of Vannes, France, 23 November, 1831, d. at Cap Haitien, 30 July, 1911. Education: Preparatory Seminary, Ste. Anne d'Auray. Ordained 1856; pro- fessor of sciences. Preparatory Seminary, Ste. Anne d'Auray, 1853-1863; went to Hayti with Archbishop Testard Ducosquer 1863; occupied in missionary work 1863-1874; pastor at Cap Haitien 187-4-1904; canon and vicar-general of the diocese 1904-1911.

ARTICLE; Cap Haitien, Diocese of.

Chisholm, Joseph Andrew, m.a., ll.b., k.c, barrister, b. at St. Andrews, Nova Scotia, 9 January, 1863, son of William Chisholm and Flora Mackintosh. Education: St. Francis Xavier's College, Antigonish, and Dalhousie Law School, HaUfax, Nova Scotia. Admitted to the Bar 1886; married Frances Alice, daughter of James Affleck, of Hahfax, 1891 (d. 1903); alderman for the City of Halifax 1907-1909 ; chairman of the School Board, Halifax, 1909; Mayor of Halifax (three terms) 1909-1912; barrister, resident at Halifax. Contested Antigonish County for House of Commons, Canada, 1895, 1896; president of the North British Society, 1898; trustee of the CathoKc Mutual Benefit Association of Canada, 1898-1907; president of: the Canadian Club, 1908; the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities, 1910; the Union of Canadian Muni- cipalities, 1910-1911; the Halifax Anti-Tuberculosis League; the Nova Scotia Historical Society. Author of: "Joseph Howe, a Sketch"; editor of: "Speeches and Public Letters of Joseph Howe"; contributor to various newspapers and periodicals.

ARTICLES : Halifax; Incorpohation of Church Property, Civil (Canada); Nova Scotia; Thompson, Right Honourable Sir John Sparrow David.

, m.a.,, ll.d., b. at Beloeil, P. Q., 9 December, 1856. Education: Seminary, St Hyacinth, P. Q., Canada; Institut Catholique; Sorbonne; College de France, Paris. Ordained 1880; professor of science. Seminary, St. Hyacmth, 1880- 1905; director. Government Provincial Laboratory, Quebec, 1889-1901; professor of physics, Laval University, Montreal, 1897- ; president of the Seminary, St. Hyacinth, 1904r- ; domestic prelate of His Holiness 1911; canon of the cathedral of St. Hyacinth; examiner of the official chemists of the Department of Inland Revenue, Ottawa; member of the Board of Visitors, Royal Military College, Kings- ton, Ontario. Honorary commissioner to the Paris Exhibition, 1900; delegate from Canada to the Con- gress of Electricity. Charter member of the Inter- national Society of Electricity of Paris; member of the Royal Conservation Commission of Canada. Author of: "Histoire du S^minaire de Saint-Hya- cinthe", 2 vols.; various scientific papers. ARTICLE: Saint Hyacinthe, Diocese of,

Christitch, Elisabeth O'Brien (Madame L. N. Christitch), writer, b. at Lough Ghur, Co. Limerick, Ireland, 1861. Education: St. Bridget's Convent, Mountrath; Ursuline Convent, Gravelines, France. Married L. N. Christitch, Servian cavalry officer, aide-de-camp to the late King Alexander and son of the Servian Premier, 1883; correspondent at Belgrade, Servia, of two London dailies and of American Catholic Reviews during Balkan War, 1912-1913; resident at Belgrade. Has made a study of the customs and folklore of the peoples of Central and Southern Europe, aided by extensive travels; devoted four years of residence in St. Petersburg to a study of Russian life and culture; has taken an active part in propagating Catholic Women's Suffrage Society, London. Member of the London Lyceum Club. Author of pamphlet on woman suffrage; has contributed political articles to: "The Tribune", "The Standard", "Daily Mail", "Daily Express", "Pall Mall Gazette", and "Evening Standard", all of London; contributor of miscellaneous articles to: "Ave Maria", "Cathohc World", "Donahoe's Magazine", "Messenger", "America", "Pall Mall Magazine", "Boudoir", "Throne", "Bystander", "Irish Monthly", and various other priodicals (Pen name: Ben Hurst).

Chrysostom, Brother (Joseph J. Conlan), p.s.c, A.M., Ph.D., b. at New Haven, Connecticut, 1 April, 1863; d. at Baltimore, Md., 23 January, 1917. Education: Skinner Grammar School and HiUhouse High School, New Haven; Manhattan College, New York. Instructor in English, La Salle College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1881-1882; entered the Society of Brothers of the Christian Schools 1883; former teacher at Sacred Heart (now Clason Point) Academy, Westchester, New York; instructor in Latin and Enghsh, St. Joseph's Institute, Buffalo, New York, 1885-1888; professor of Latin (1888-1900) and assistant professor (1890-1894) and professor (1894^1917) of philosophy, Manhattan College, New York. Lecturer on Scholastic philosophy, Columbia University, New York, 1904. Historian of the Manhattan Alumni Association; member of: Board of Trustees of Manhattan College, American Psy- chological Association, American Philosophical Association, American Institute of Civics, New York Academy of Science (Psychological Branch). Author of: "Elementa Philosophise Scholasticae" (New York, 1897); "Development of Personahty" (Philadelphia, 1916); edited: "Exposition of Christian Doctrine", 3 vols. ("Dogma"; "Morals"; "Worship"); "Manual of Christian Doctrine"; "Catechism No. 4"; "Cat6- chists' Manual", 6 vols.; English edition of Brother Philip, "Meditations on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ"; Ibid., "Meditations on Our Last End and on Sin and the Sacrament of Penance", Ibid.; "Meditations on the Sacred Heart"; Ibid., "Medita- tions on St. Joseph"; translated De Poissy, "Cours ^l^mentaire de Philosophie Chr^tienne"; contributor of philosophical and other articles to various period- icals.

ARTICLE: Azariab, Brother.

Clair, Mother M., r.d.c.

ARTICLE : Divine Compassion, Institute op the.

Clayton, Joseph, journalist and writer, b. in London, 28 April, 1867. Education: North London Collegiate School, London; Worcester College, Oxford; classmate of R. R. Terry, organist of Westminster Cathedral, London. At various times schoolmaster. Socialist lecturer. Labor Party organizer, journalist, writer; married Margaret Souter 1898; editor of "The New Age" 1905-1906; became a Cathohc 1910; at

E resent one of the Board of Managers (honorary) of london County Council Schools for Defective Children (chairman of the Board 1913- ) ; resident in London. Participated in numerous Socialist Congresses, 1893-1897; visited Finland with repre- sentatives of British Press, 1910. Author of : " Father Dolling" (1903); "Bishop Westcott" (1906); "Bishops as Legislators" (1906); "Wat Tyler and the Peasant Revolt" (1908); "Leaders of the People" (1910); "Rise of the Democracy" (1911); "Coopera- tion" (1912); "Robert Kett and the Norfolk Rising" (1912); "Trade Unions" (1913); etc.; pamphlets in support of woman suffrage; contributor to: "National