Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/226

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banish every other thought; call together all thy affections, and lay them before thy God, and say to him:


O MY Jesus! my love, my infinite good, my all, I welcome thee; be always welcome to this home which I keep for thee in my poor heart. Ah! Lord, where art thou, whither hast thou come? Into my heart, worse than the stable where thou wast born; into my heart, full of attachments, of self-love, and of disorderly appetites. How couldst thou choose such a dwelling as this? Well might I say to thee with St. Peter: “ Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinner I am too unworthy to have a God of infinite goodness for my guest. Go, rather repose in those pure souls, who serve thee with so much love. But no, my Redeemer, what do I say! Do not depart from me, for if thou leave me I am lost. I embrace thee, O my life, I attach myself inseparably to thee. I have been only too foolish in separating myself from thee for love of creatures; ungrateful wretch that I am, I have driven thee away from my heart. But now I will never separate myself from thee any more. I am resolved to live and die united to thee.

Most Holy Virgin Mary, Seraphs, souls who love God with a pure love, lend me your affections, that I may entertain my dear Lord as I ought!


I THANK thee, O my Lord and my God, for the grace which thou hast shown to me this morning by coming to dwell in my soul. Would that I could thank thee in a manner worthy of thee and of the signal favour which I have received! But what do I