Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/592

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3. We hail thee, brightest Morn; who, forerunner of the Heavenly Sun of Justice, didst first bring light to earth. Ave Maria.

4. We hail thee, Elect; who, like the untarnished Sun, didst burst forth in the dark night of sin. Ave Maria.

5. We hail thee, beauteous Moon; who didst shed light upon a world wrapt in the darkness of idolatry. Ave Maria.

6. We hail thee, dread Warrior-Queen, who, in thyself a host, alone didst put to flight all hell. Ave Maria.

7. We hail thee, fair Soul of Mary, who from all eternity, wast Goa’s and God’s alone. Ave Maria.

8. We hail thee, dear Child, and we humbly venerate thy most holy infant body; we honour the sacred swaddling-clothes wherewith they bound thee, the cradle wherein they laid thee, and we bless the hour and the day when thou wast born. Ave Maria.

9. We hail thee, most beloved Infant, decked with every virtue, immeasurably high above all saints, and therefore worthy Mother of the Saviour of the world; who, made fruitful by the Holy Spirit, didst bring forth the Incarnate Word. Ave Maria.


INFANT most lovely, who, by thy holy birth, hast comforted the world, made glad the heavens, struck terror into hell, brought help to the fallen, consolation to the sad, salvation to the weak, joy to all men living; we pray thee, with all fervent love and gratitude, be thou spiritually reborn in our souls by means of thy most holy love; renew our spirits to thy service, rekindle in our hearts the fire of charity, bid all the