Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/98

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ample field on which to exercise thy mercy. Pardon, O infinite abyss of goodness, pardon the multitude of my offences. From the bottom of my heart I cry to thee that I have sinned, and that my iniquities are countless; but multiplied as they are, thy mercies are still more numerous, and thy loving heart is moved to forgiveness upon our sincere repentance. To the grace of pardon for the past, deign also to add that of amendment for the future. Grant, through the merits of this adorable sacrifice, that I may never more offend thee. But O sweet Lord! if thou, knowing my weakness, foreseest that this will excite my pride, then chastise me with the tenderness of a Father; make use of sufferings, sickness, affronts, injuries, and all the humiliations which thou thinkest fit for my cure; but oh! never suffer me to fall into mortal sin; may this never be the punishment of it. How great, O my God, is thy love! thou hast proved it, not only by once dying for us on the cross, but by daily immolating thyself mystically upon our altars. Bestow on me a gratitude corresponding to thy benefits; give me an upright heart, and a will conformable to thine, that in all my thoughts, words, and actions, I may have no other aim than thy greater glory. O my God and my Father! yet how shall I dare address thee by that tender name of Father, having so grievously offended thee. Sensible of my unworthiness, I would retire from thy presence, had not thy beloved Son shed his blood for my redemption. If my sins provoke thy just anger, that precious blood will move thee to compassion. If thou art deaf to my sighs and tears, thou wilt hearken to the voice of his blood, which cries louder than that of Abel, not for punishment, but for pardon of my crimes. Besides, I know thou wouldst