Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/101

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spoken each by signs to the other, so that her heart was quieted, and her mind lightened of its fear, then Abu Zeyd left her, and went on further a short space, until he came to where a holy man stood up in prayer. And he stood up with him, and made his recitation, until the assembly was at an end. And the fire was ready kindled, and they brought Alia towards it, and they were about to place her thereon, when the Emir Abu Zeyd came near to Alia, and set aside the people who were pressing round her, and stooped down towards the fire, and having called in a loud voice upon the Prophet, he beat out the fire until it was extinguished. Then went he back to Alia and loosened her bonds, the people the while standing silent in wonder at his doing. And presently they went to the Emir Fadel and told him of what had been. And the Emir said, '"' Let him even do as he is minded and as it pleaseth him, for it 1s not meet I should set myself against any doing whatsoever of an holy man. And for the holy man's sake will I grant Alia her forgiveness. And tell her to return to her own place. But for myself need is that I go forward to greet him." And the Emir Fadel arose quickly and approached the fakir, and he kissed his hand and said to him, "'O my Lord, there hath befallen me a great and redoubtable ill-fortune. Make thou thy prayer for me to our Lord that He give me back my mare; for is He not the giver? And, if that thou shouldst desire to remain with us, surely there shall be to thee a fair welcome; and, shouldst thou die in this country, be assured