Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/67

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And I said, " Now listen, Alia, to that which I would tell thee :
Love is a building fair, broad based on sure foundations.
And the builders built it high as was no other dwelling."
And she said, " Thou speakest truth. And love is of three conditions.
And to men of understanding each hath a sign to know it.
The first compelleth thee to kiss the hand thou lovest.
This is a moment's love. The next is more enduring,
Which kisseth thee on the cheek. But there is yet the latest.
Love which shall kiss thy forehead. This is a love for ever.
Mine is of all the three. And for my soul's consoling.
Come thou to our camp." But I said to her, " O Alia,
In this thou art to blame. I dare not on such venture,
Being a seeker still of that which was my questing."
But she said, " The mare is mine. My own hand shall unloose her.
With me are her hobbles' keys, by night will I unlock them.
The keys lie in a goatskin, a goatskin filled with water.
And that deep in a well. There lieth our secret hidden.
And all are mine to deal with, goatskin and keys and hobbles.