Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/95

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And they brought the girl to his tent, and she came to the assembly.
And he said, " What dost thou, my daughter, and what are these thy dealings,
That thou betray est thy tribe ? Thou art a shame to the Arabs.
They say thou knowest this man, this enemy of thy people,
Ay, and didst give him the mare. Thus speak of thee the great ones."
And she answered, "Yes and yes. I know him, the adversary,
And gave him, too, the mare; nor do I seek to deny it."
And Fadel's wrath grew hot, for now her guilt was proven.
And he bade them bind her fast, and bring the wood for the kindling.
And even so did they. And they bound her right and her left hand,
And they heaped the wood, O people, even in their hour of anger,
And they set a spark to the heap, even in the midst of the desert.
And Alia's eyes beheld, yet bore she her fear in patience,
Nor spoke she any word, nor gave reins to her terror.

Said the Narrator:

And when they had lit the fire, while Alia watched the kindling, behold, her fear was great, and her eyes looked